Game based onboardingIndia Measuring Success In Gamified Onboarding: Metrics For Evaluating Employee Integration Effective employee onboarding metrics are crucial for organisations to ensure new hires seamlessly integrate into their roles. One innovative approach…ImarticusFebruary 8, 2024
Game based onboardingIndia Game-Based Learning for New Hires: Transforming Onboarding into an Interactive Experience Starting a new job can be exciting and overwhelming for new hires. The onboarding process plays a crucial role in…ImarticusFebruary 8, 2024
Corporate Leadership UAE - Game-Based Learning: A New Approach To Addressing Digital Literacy The time is long gone when games were only meant for a child's playtime. Now, they are used to educate…ImarticusMarch 12, 2023
Corporate Leadership Why Game-Based Learning Is Crucial for Businesses Why Game-Based Learning Is Crucial for Businesses Businesses these days are resorting to game-based learning solutions and many wonders why.…ImarticusNovember 29, 2022