Why Full Stack Developers Must Learn Kubernetes

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Due to the emergence and growth of cloud computing and microservices, Kubernetes has become very important for a Full Stack Developer.  It is a crucial tool for managing and orchestrating essential containers. 

Nowadays, developers do a lot more than write codes and programs. Choosing the right infrastructure is crucial when working with microservices architecture. Companies count on developers to create and maintain the infrastructure.

In essence, Kubernetes has taken over as the industry standard for defining infrastructure. Read on to learn about Kubernetes and why Full Stack Developers must master Kubernetes.

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source robust framework for container orchestration. It enables a Full Stack Web Developer to orchestrate and run container workloads automatically. Kubernetes provides numerous tools as a layer of abstraction. 

It helps deploy standardised full-stack applications across various platforms, including package managers, source plugins, monitoring tools, etc. Born out of Borg, a Google project, Kubernetes is considered one of the most popular container orchestration engines. It helps developers to manage a cluster of hundreds and thousands of workloads for running dynamic applications.

However, managing the Kubernetes cluster can be much more complex than managing a conventional application environment. It increases operational costs and is time-consuming. Also, it requires a specialist to monitor the operations. 

Why is it essential for a Full Stack Developer to learn Kubernetes?

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A Full Stack Developer is proficient in handling an application's front and back ends. The data structures and algorithms that Kubernetes offers are compatible with front and back-end development. Here are some of the reasons why a Full Stack Web Developer needs to learn Kunernetes

Easy availability

Kubernetes is an open-source software that can be used by anyone. It is a community lead effort instead and is available to developers free of cost. It does not require any contributions, and developers are welcome to use it for web development and related aspects. 

Enhanced productivity

Improving the efficiency of developers for web development is one of the major advantages of adopting Kubernetes. It helps one eliminate complex manual processes and can ultimately increase productivity for better results. Kubernetes automates a lot of tasks which results in greater efficiency, increasing the productivity of developers.

Stability of applications

The stability of an application is a deciding factor when it comes to evaluating its performance efficiency. Fortunately, users of Kubernetes have no reasons to worry about the performance efficiency of web applications because the platform provides unparalleled stability. Developers can always trust the stability of Kubernetes even if they are dealing with a very complex application.

Increased flexibility and portability

Kubernetes is compatible with practically every imaginable container runtime. The container type does not affect the flexibility of Kubernetes. It can operate with any type of infrastructure, including private and public cloud as well as on-premises services. It is easier for Full Stack Developers to design the perfect scalable solution with a higher degree of flexibility and portability with Kubernetes.

Offers multi-cloud capability

A fantastic benefit of adopting Kubernetes is that it allows one to get rid of traditional conventions and move to the modern cloud infrastructure. A Full Stack Developer can keep all their work in a single cloud as well as can distribute the workload and store it in different clouds. This helps strengthen the resilience of the infrastructure. In this way, a developer can extract the benefits that each cloud has in store to offer, ultimately lowering the expenditure of web development.

Offers systematised automation

It is very challenging to manually manage thousands of containers simultaneously. But Kubernetes helps to overcome this problem with almost zero effort on the part of developers. It is highly automated, and it can launch thousands of containers and manage them automatically. It is a great automation solution with built-in intelligence assisting human administrators. 

Provides better up-time

A server or a container is prone to crash and fail anytime. However, Kubernetes offers the feature of auto-recovery. It can automatically replace the faulty server or container and, thus, reduces the possibility of service interruptions to the users. This is how up time can be explained, the time period when fully functional services are available online. Kubernetes guarantees a high level of up-time.


Kubernetes has proven to be a reliable platform for container orchestration. The number of dynamic features the platform offers will enable you to achieve greater heights in web development and promote faster growth. If you aim to become a full stack developer, consider learning Kubernetes, as it is a high-demand technology with a proper workflow framework.

Do you want to kickstart your career as full stack web developer? Check out the Full Stack Development Programme by Imarticus. This will help you gain insights into the high-scale ability platform that Kubernetes is, as well as learn about GitHub, data structure and algorithms, and much more.  

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