What Are Full Stack Developer Trends

Last updated on October 12th, 2022 at 09:31 am

What Are Full Stack Developer Trends

The full stack developer trends aim to garner the attention of audiences in both quality and quantity of generated sales by utilizing the web benefits to the hilt using the most modern trends of frameworks in JavaScript. They impact the full stack developers globally as they can now use the same front-end language they already know in writing backend codes too.

Front-End Trends in frameworks:

1. Vue.js:

VueJs is comparatively a new entrant who gained traction in the growing world of developers.  It works with a simple straight forward API and MVVM design principles. VueJs is minimalistic and permits the use of any specific modules whenever required. Its forerunners are ReactJS, AngularJS, RivetsJS and the knockoutJS. It like the predecessors' updates two-way data binding in the model-and-view segment.
While Vue is definitely not in the same league as Ember or Angular it has a respectable market share and the potential to emerge as the future of the JavaScript framework 10 months after Evan You released this software declared the 40K stars most-popular front-end JavaScript framework on GitHub.

2. Angular.js

Google’s baby AngularJS, is the ruler in JavaScript frameworks. It has the largest developer community and is the favoured framework for the development of Single-Page Applications. It enables HTML by including features for building user-interface dynamic-views which are interactive.
It provides options to HTML extended attributes using Angular directives and two-way data-binding, making code writing for DOM manipulation easy. The 2016 version for mobile apps succeeded and it graduated from v2 to v6 in two years. The new v7 is expected to beat them all.

3. React.js

Facebook and Instagram use the React.js JavaScript Framework in the user interface and index the popularity it enjoys in building dynamic large-scale mobile-adaptable applications. ReactJS scores in high performances on complex user-interfaces using a virtual DOM rendered optionally at the server or client side with communications both ways.

4. Ember.js

Ember.JS MVC JavaScript framework has popular users like LinkedIn, Discourse,   Chipotle, Vine,  Live Nation, Groupon, Nordstrom, Twitch.tv and many others. This web framework can also build mobile and desktop applications like Apple Music.
5. Also watch out for Node.js, GraphQL, and Next.js who also have increased popularity in applications for all platforms web, desktop, and mobiles.

The full stack development course offered by most leading institute appears positive and bright in 2019. The course contents are being regularly tweaked with updates and offer the most viable way to learn through practical implementation the latest in technological developments. Stay abreast of the latest fads by broadening your stack profile and upgrade your proficiency in the Javascript trending suite of software.
In parting,  Javascript has emerged the most popular of all frameworks overcoming worthy challengers like the back end PHP frameworks Ruby, Python, and others. Each does have its pros and cons and technology itself is in a state of flux. We can only adapt to change which is the common denominator.

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