AML and KYC course: The Vital Focus Area In The Financial Sector

Last updated on October 12th, 2022 at 10:19 am

AML and KYC course: The Vital Focus Area In The Financial Sector

Hannah is here to share her lifetime opportunity and her journey at Imarticus Learning, enrolling for the 45-day program of AML and KYC.

AML and KYC are the primary initial focus areas that help the organizations to work on acquiring the right set of verified individuals in their network. In order to understand any customer or client, proper screening is realized by financial institutions to identify the customers after legal monitoring that complies with Anti Laundering Law.  Hannah, a graduate in Finance, here talks about her transparent experience while learning different domains of AML KYC at Imarticus Learning.

Why did you enroll for AML KYC course in Imarticus Learning?

My name is Hannah, and I am very passionate to continue my career in the banking and financial sector. I was keen to understand as to how to issue credits to the customers as I wish to follow my career path in the AML KYC department in the financial institution. In order to pursue a career in the same segment, a professional need by any institution was to hire an employee who knows how to ensure if the finance requested by any individual is certainly not a part of any money laundering process or scheme.

And that was when I was taken to the Imarticus Banking Training platform that provides 45 days training on the AML-KYC program that was just right for my career path. I was quite impressed by Imarticus reviews of the enrollees and I felt but confident to join the course. I planned to visit the center, and I was guided with the complete index and description of the program. I knew that minute that this was the right path for me and that Imarticus Learning Center was the only place where I would be served with a professional approach.

How was your program journey with Imarticus Learning Center?

My learning journey to this day has been exceptional. When I enrolled for the program, I thought I was only going to learn about AML-KYC, but to my surprise, we were trained on the practical approach towards the development of soft skills as well. Such skills will help us to groom into a professional employee for the future. I learned that just the technical learning in your field is not what it takes to be professional, that it is important to consider every aspect of being presentable in what you do.

The approach by our professors is quite practical that helps us in learning every aspect properly without fail.

Why would you recommend this AML-KYC Course?

In order to learn any subject from an institution, it is important to develop that trust in your trainers and institute itself. And I was quite confident about my choice with Imarticus Learning, and so far, I have been grateful to the teaching approach by the trainers.

I would strongly recommend this program to other students if they wish to groom themselves in every aspect of subject learning as well as developing themselves into fine professionals. Because some things cannot be learned through books and Imarticus Learning Center is the right platform to reach out to every phase professionally.

Are you ready to face the real world?

Yes, of course! Not only am I a trained professional in my subject, but I am also confident to face any interview now, carrying the persona of a confident woman. I believe this course was just the beginning of the success in my career; the real prospect of success will start with the Imarticus placement soon enough! And if anyone is looking for a platform for professional AML-KYC learning, Imarticus Center is your solution.

Are you looking for professional help in AML-KYC learning? Click here to inquire about the program. For more detailed information regarding this and for further career counseling, you can also contact us through the Live Chat Support system or can even visit one of our training centers based in - Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Chennai, Banglore, Hyderabad, Delhi, Gurgaon, and Ahmedabad.

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