4 Online Courses To Learn The Basics of Investment Banking

CFO's Role in Risk Management

Investment banking is a prevalent career choice. Offering assistance to governments and businesses on how to address their financial issues is the primary goal of an investment banker. Finance, research, trading, sales, securitised products, asset management, IPOs, mergers, hedging, wealth management, and other services are provided by investment banks to their clients.

The job role of an investment banker is very prestigious as well as very rewarding in terms of both compensation and job satisfaction. Investment banking is an extremely lucrative sector but with these various benefits, this career also demands one to have a solid hold over basic investment banking, finance and management skills. This is why a holistic investment banking course can help you achieve your dream job and career. If you want to learn investment banking, the Imarticus Investment Banking Course is an excellent option for an investment banking online course. 

Who is known as an investment banker? 

Investment bankers are financial experts who with their understanding and knowledge of the financial service industries, investigating prowess, and practical communication skills help clients with things such as mergers as well as acquisitions and project finance.

Investment bankers are individuals who offer corporate financial and economic services to clients, including start-ups, well-established firms, and in particular moments, even government institutions. 

Qualities of a good investment banking online course

corporate leadership

Many things need to be covered when teaching investment banking to future investment bankers. If you are in search of an excellent online course to learn investment banking, look out for the following qualities in your online course. The following are the qualities of the investment banking programme by Imarticus.

Firm brand name for CV making

According to research, employers only give your CV an average glance for 7 seconds, offering you that short period of opportunity to make an impact. The most important factors here are your academic background and work history, but you cannot change that. What you can do, though, is to include essential certificates that emphasise your interest in the industry and show a basic level of proficiency.

Relevant to your role

Many certificates are available, but not each applies to the position you are engaged in. Some are particularly fit for traders (like the CFA), some for risk managers (FRM), etc. This category contains topics like M&A, Debt & Equity Capital Markets, coverage, financial modelling, and others pertinent to investment bankers.

With the Imarticus Investment Banking Course, you will be offered several advantages. They teach skills which will be beneficial on a job level. Their course is industry certified; all their students are provided with a CIBOP certificate. The best part, they guarantee job assurance for all their students with extensive career support. 

What will the investment banking course teach?

If you want to build your investment banking career, you must understand the job roles and skills that are associated with it. Here are the essential skills that the investment banking course offers. 

Organising Finance

A big company is unlikely to have the funds on hand to create a factory even if it wanted to. To raise the funds required to proceed with the project, it can choose to issue a bond. The increased output the new facility would also provide will be used to cover the bond's cost.

Investing in equity

Selling bonds or shares is the most cost-effective method for companies to support their expansion and growth. When it comes to organising the sale of stock or equity funding, the investment banker also contributes.

Deals Underwriting

Investment bankers regularly evaluate projects for their customers when arranging capital markets financing. This entails embracing a large portion of the system's inherent risk by acquiring the shares directly from the issuers before selling them to the general public or corporate buyers.

Mergers and acquisitions negotiations

A business usually goes through lengthy planning and negotiation before purchasing or merging with another business. Investment bankers often act as advisors, especially when determining a fair sale price.


Investment bankers enable their clients to raise funds to fund different projects and grow their businesses. They are financial consulting intermediaries advising governments and businesses in raising money for various purposes. 

Being an Investment banker is one of the most lucrative job roles in the world right now. Learning the foundations of investment banking can go a long way in helping you reach your goal of being a skilled investment banker.

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