Ultimate Comparison Guide: Scrum, Agile and Power BI

business analyst courses

As a company grows, and so does its data generation, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage this vast volume of data in an effective way. There needs to be a system in place that can identify loopholes, analyze needs and recommend solutions to ensure the growth of the business. This is where business analysis comes into play. 

Business analysis is a key component of every company’s growth story. In simple terms, it is a research-based practice that drives organizational change to deliver results of the most value to a company’s stakeholders. Due to the pivotal importance of business analysis to the existence of enterprises, the field itself has become a vast market of opportunities. Many business analysis tools have been developed with unique features. One of them is Microsoft Power BI. 

But before we talk about this handy tool, it is important to have a discussion around the principles and tenets of agile business analysis. In this article, we will attempt to discuss this and provide a comparative guide to understand agile scrum, and power BI. We will also talk about the advantages of a business analyst career and recommend a business analyst course to kickstart your professional aspirations.

Scrum Vs. Agile Vs. Power BI

You might have heard Agile and Scrum being referred to as powerful project management and business analysis techniques. But what exactly do they mean? 

Agile is a popular methodology used in business analysis and project management to help teams deliver value to customers and stakeholders at the fastest possible rate. It is a system that propagates constant evaluation and small, measurable increments of output.

Scrum is one of the frameworks within the agile methodology that is used to create hypotheses, test them out, analyze results and make adjustments. It is a high-functioning form of trial and error that allows business analysts to filter out the minutest of discrepancies. 

Power BI is a compelling cloud-based analytics tool from Microsoft that is built on the principles of agile analysis. It allows users to visualize and analyze a huge volume of company data to strengthen operations.

Agile Scrum Power BI
It is a set of principles. It is an implementation of agile principles. It is a platform that incorporates agile and scrum.
It is most useful for a smaller team. It is used to track rapid changes in a project.  It has informative dashboards that utilize a number of agile frameworks.
Frequent and consistent delivery and feedback are the primary facets of this methodology. Scrum as a framework promotes faster delivery and feedback mechanisms. Power BI has incredible team-sharing features that are built to enhance collaboration.
It is a simple philosophy that is easy and flexible in execution.  The design and execution of a scrum can be flexible and imaginative. Dashboards allow for extensive personalization and customization. 

How To Become A Successful Business Analyst?

As more and more businesses scale digitally, the need for strong agile business analysis and efficient professionals to perform it is growing rapidly. Business analysts with knowledge of agile systems and tools are highly sought by recruiters. Such jobs come with long-term job security and worthwhile gains. 

To pursue a career in agile business analysis, it is important to have a strong educational foundation in the same. A bachelor's degree with a focus on business or an MBA is an immediate upper hand in the competitive market. Plus, prior work experience is an additional bonus. 


If you want to work in a core business specialization with successful businesses and startups, then a shift towards business analysis is a smart career choice. In order to boost your chances of securing a lucrative business analyst role, signing up for a business analyst course such as a PG Program for Agile Business Analyst is a good place to start. Such courses provide foundational knowledge and training which are essential for anyone aspiring to have a business analyst career.

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