Top 7 career options in data analytics

data analytics certification course

The world of data analytics is constantly growing and changing. With the help of new technologies, we can do more with data than ever before. The data analyst field has seen massive growth in recent years. Data analysts use their skills and knowledge to analyze large data sets and turn them into meaningful information.

Companies or organizations can use it for business purposes such as making decisions on product lines or marketing campaigns or personal reasons like choosing a career path.

The job markets for data analytics are flourishing, and the number of jobs is growing. Data is everywhere, and a career in data analysis has never been more straightforward or promising. 

Data Analytics Careers: The Top Seven Choices

Data analytics is a booming industry, and the job market shows no sign of slowing down. Data Analytics jobs are in high demand across all sectors at every career level, from entry-level to executive management. There are numerous possibilities while choosing your career as a data analyst! 

Here are seven popular choices for entering the world of data analysis:

Data analyst: This is the most common role in data analytics and refers to a professional who extracts insights from data using various techniques, such as statistical analysis and machine learning.

Data engineer: Data engineers are in charge of designing, building, and maintaining the architecture and infrastructure for collecting, processing, and storing data.

Data architect: Data architects work with large quantities of complex data to design high-level structures that inform how they should get stored in a database or file system. This role is especially relevant in big data projects where you need an experienced professional dealing with terabytes of data.

Data scientist: A data scientist is a statistician who analyzes patterns in large sets of complex datasets to extract meaning and information that can be used for decision-making or reporting the findings back to the business stakeholders.

Business analyst: This role involves working with company executives, project managers, marketing teams, and other business professionals to identify and define business problems addressed with data analytics.

Data visualizer: Data visualization is the process of transforming data into graphical representations that are easy to understand, communicate and share. As a data visualizer, you'll be responsible for designing and creating effective charts, graphs, and other information graphics to help others visualize the data.

Data manager:  Data Manager is responsible for designing and maintaining an enterprise-wide database and overseeing compliance with records management policies.

Learn Data Analytics online with Imarticus Learning

Learn the fundamentals of data science and critical analytics technologies, including Python, R, SAS, Hadoop, and Tableau, as well as nine real-world projects. This data analytics certification course helps students get in-demand future abilities and begins their career as data analysts.

What students draw from this course:

  • Students can participate in fascinating hackathons to solve real-world business challenges in a competitive scenario.
  • Impress employers & showcase skills with data analytics certification courses recognized by India's prestigious academic collaborations.
  • World-Class Academic Professors to learn from discussions and live online sessions.

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