Is Data Analytics An Interesting Career Field?

Last updated on May 21st, 2021 at 10:23 am

One of the biggest job sectors of the last few years, data analytics is seen as one of the most lucrative career options today. In the United States, an estimated 2.7 million jobs are predicted to be taken by data science and analytics by 2020. The value that big data analytics can bring companies is being noticed and companies are looking for talented individuals who can unearth patterns, spot opportunities and create valuable insights.

If you’re someone who’s good at coding and looking to make the next jump from a career perspective, then data science could be your calling. Here are a few reasons you should look out for a career in data analytics:

Higher Demand, Less Skill:
India has the highest concentration of data scientists globally, and there is a shortage of skilled data scientists. According to a McKinsey study, the United States will have 190,000 data scientist jobs vacant due to a lack of talent, by 2019. This opens the door for a good data analyst not just to make money, but own the space.

Good data analysts can take complete control of their work without having to worry about interference. As long as you can provide crucial insights which contribute to the company’s business, you’ll find yourself moving up the ladder faster than expected.

Top Priority in Big Companies:
Big data analytics is seen as a top priority in a lot of companies, with a study showing that at least 60% of businesses depend on it to boost their social media marketing ability. Companies vouch by Apache Hadoop and its framework capabilities to provide them data which can be used to improve business.

Analytics is being seen as a massive factor in shaping a lot of decisions taken by companies, with at least 49% believing that it can aid in better decision making. Others feel that apart from key decisions, big data analytics can enable Key Strategic Initiatives among other benefits.

Big Data Is Used Almost Everywhere:
Another great reason to opt for big data or data analytics as a career option is because they are used pretty much everywhere! With the highest adopters of the technology being banking, other sectors which depend on big data include technology, manufacturing, consumer, energy and healthcare among others.

This makes big data an almost bulletproof option because of the wide range of applications it can be used for.

Most Disruptive Technology In The Next Few Years:
Data analytics is also considered as one of the most disruptive technologies to influence the market in the next few years. According to the IDC, the big data analytics sector is touted to grow to up to $200 billion by 2024.

Thus, big data analytics is going to be the future of computing and technology. The sector is seeing massive growth and a lot of demand. The more you’re able to provide insights that can make a difference in this sector, the higher are your chances of getting a lucrative job.
Whether it’s a data analytics course in Bangalore or any other city, Imarticus will be able to provide you with the right kind of training and knowledge with data analytics courses to help your career soar.

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