Game-based Learning Solutions to Increase Employee Engagement

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According to the 70-20-10 Model for Learning and Development, 70% of learning is acquired from job experience, 20% from social interactions and the rest 10% from formal education.

Simply put, while social and formal learning only makes up a total of 30% of knowledge, 70% of one's knowledge comes from experience. These numbers show that experiential learning is the best method of teaching. Games provide a platform for people to mimic experiential learning.

Why game-based learning?

Corporate Training

Game-based learning solutions involve employee training wherein they are taught new skills by making use of game elements. Gamification in learning is about applying game-based elements to a non-game context. The gamification elements focus on influencing the attitude and behaviour of employees by rewarding them with badges, virtual coins, trophies etc.

Sometimes, employees may feel frustrated with the conventional method of learning that involves text-based materials and long presentations. This is why we suggest implementing game-based training in your organisation as it provides a personalised and safe environment for employees to learn skills.

After extensive research, it was stated that, on average, a 60% engagement increase was experienced by employees with game-based work experience. 72% of people said that game-based learning motivated them to work harder on their job. If you are wondering how game-based learning can improve employee engagement, let's explore some of the benefits of these solutions in that area.

Game-based learning benefits in employee engagement

1. Stimulates the mind

One of the many advantages of game-based learning is that it helps in stimulating the brain. The game-based learning element improves cognitive thinking, helps make better decisions and teaches valuable skills that are applicable in real life. It improves the functioning of the brain as the employee tries to explore different ways to tackle different situations in the learning process.

2.  Improves job satisfaction

There are certain game elements where your employees are required to work as a team. This collaborative environment will make them feel like a part of the team. And, that feeling of being able to contribute to achieving common goals will increase job satisfaction.

3. Offers personalised feedback

Personalised and immediate feedback is one of the major perks of gamification training. Just providing game-based learning solutions isn't enough. It also requires constant monitoring. While providing game-based learning programs to practise is important, it is also crucial to observe their decisions and give feedback, especially on areas to improve.

4. Provides a secure setting

Game-based learning solutions offer a safe environment where employees can take risks without feeling stressed about the consequences. As these games present situations from real life, they get to practise skills and improve performance. This will increase their self-confidence.

5. Makes learning interesting

One of the reasons why people do not prefer conventional learning much is that it is boring. With traditional learning, your employees do not feel involved and so, they get easily distracted. But, on the other hand, game-based learning is more like a challenge. It offers an interactive platform for them to practise, compete and learn while having fun.

To sum up

Game-based training provides employees with a learning solution that focuses on the experience. It facilitates a safe environment where employees can learn, practice and experiment with their skills. It improves their self-confidence. As it offers an immersive experience, they tend to memorise the knowledge.

If you want to give game-based learning a try, Imarticus Learning has a number of courses with gamification elements.

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