Database Technologies: MySQL, MongoDB and PostgreSQL and MariaDB

Full stack Developer Course

Last updated on April 4th, 2024 at 10:34 am

Database technology is now the new cornerstone of all web development companies. They have different levels of unique qualities that help in data storage. 

However, the question arises, what are database technologies? Database technology is a systematic platform that stores tons of data. One can access it at any point irrespective of the operating system. Even though they contain some complex algorithms which only a DevOps developer can decipher, it is still a great format for successful data operations. 

Full Stack Developer Course

One of the most prominent examples of database technologies are MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL and MariaDB. In this article, you'll learn in detail about these various database technologies and how it is favourable if you take up a full-stack developer course

What is Database Technology? 

Database technology is responsible for taking information, and later storing and organising it. The database further enables the users to process it in due time. Database technology is hence a versatile technology that has been coming in all shapes and sizes. Be it small or large or complex or simple, database technology is always at your service for both commercial and private purposes. 

Database technology also helps to interact with any software in your system and also it queries your data. They are versatile and tend to grow when the size of your data grows. 

In today's world, the most common database technology is the relational database. It generally stores data in a normalised way where the data is split up to avoid any form of redundancy. 

What are MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL and MariaDB? 


MySQL is an open-source relational database management system. Developed by the Oracle Corporation, it is a form of database management system that stores data in a closely structured format via rows and columns. 


MongoDB is another of the highly competitive cross-platform database management systems contemporary to MySQL. It uses JSON documents like Schema which is an open-standard file format.


PostgreSQL is well-known for its extendibility. As an object-relational database management system or ORDBMS, it supports tons of functionalities which MySQL and MongoDB fail to do. 


MariaDB is one of the most known popular open-source relational database technologies. It is primarily made by the developers of MySQL and has guaranteed to remain open-source for the benefit of web developers. It provides maximum cloud offerings and is almost the default in any Linux distribution procedure. 

Benefits and Features of  MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL and MariaDB 


MySQL has certain features that are beneficial for both commercial and private database management. Let's get to learn them. 

Client-server system: MySQL can set up a client-server system with the help of other applications. Because of its simplistic structure, it can easily communicate with other application programmes through local area networks. Many different functionalities can also be accessed because of its simplistic structure. 

Compatibility: MySQL is known for its compatibility when it comes to querying or upgrading databases. It also has a large number of extensions which is an important benefit for commercial entities. 

Programming language: MySQL supports programming languages like JavaScript, C, C++ and many more. It is extremely versatile when it comes to using programming languages. 

User interface (UI): Tons of great user interfaces are available for the MySQL server. This is why it is one of the most desirable servers among commercial entities. 

Speed: Being the fastest database system, MySQL carries out procedures at a good speed. This in turn helps in saving a lot of time. 


MongoDB is a great competition in the market when it comes to database management. They are: 

High storage capacity: MongoDB is well known for saving large files easily. MongoDB does not cause any complications to the server in matters of speed. 

Data duplication: Like MySQL, MongoDB is capable of running from multiple servers at a time. Even though it sometimes faces certain hardware failures that cause loss of data, it has a data duplication feature that ends up saving the day. 

MMS: Also known as the MongoDB Management Service, it allows the user to track their previous database. It also caters to tracking other forms of data with optimum high-quality data tracking software. MongoDB is the best when it comes to detecting malware before its attack. 

Ad hoc queries: It is a non-standardised programming language. However, MongoDB is versatile enough to sustain such queries and manages them without any obstacle. 


PostgreSQL has several distinctive features that MySQL or MongoDB does not process. They are: 

Compatibility: PostgreSQL is compatible with several operating systems like Windows, Linux and UNIX. 

Structured query language: It is a great database management system that uses various kinds of structured data to get database access. This caters to prevent the uncontrolled transfer of data without a proper code. 

Extension: For effective functionality in PostgreSQL, various extensions can be added to increase efficiency. The system can handle it well every time. 

ACID Compliant: Acronym of Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability, PostgreSQL is known for its versatility in DBMS. PostgreSQL being ACID Compliant can recover any software failure during any data transaction in a comprehensive structure. It also ensures accuracy and consistency in the system despite its failures. 


MariaDB is known for its compatibility with DBMS. Let's see what they are: 

Speed: MariaDB is known for its incredible speed and better operations in the system. It is the crux of every DBMS. 

Open-source: MariaDB has a reputation for being a potent open-source management system, unlike MySQL. For that reason, MariaDB's bugs and data development plans are publicly accessible. 

Compatible store engine: MariaDB has compatibility offerings to more than 20, while MySQL is only limited to 10. It is thus called an enhanced version of MySQL. 

Schema flexibility: MariaDB has an extensive set of functions that can surpass MySQL functions. Based on the schema in a database or data storage and documentation, MariaDB always has the upper hand. 


Developers often perform elaborate tests to determine the pros and cons of the above database management system. However, it has been found that all four of them are the best depending upon the user requirements. However, if one is looking for a simplistic structure, one can opt for MySQL. But, if one is looking for something advanced, MariaDB is the best option. 

If you are interested in taking up a full-stack developer course and want to become a DevOps developer or backend developer, check out Imarticus Learning's Full-Stack Developer Pro course. You can learn about various aspects of full-stack development with assured interview opportunities. 

To know more, check out the website right away. 

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