Data Analytics: Expectations vs Reality

Data Analytics: Expectations vs Reality

As we see the field of data analytics getting to its peak in terms of career choice, hordes of young people and professionals now want to make their careers in this field. However, data analytics like any other field is not everyone’s baby. It can be a suitable career option for people, who love data, play with figures and are comfortable in handling a wide array of analytics tools that play a vital role while treading this career path. In other words, you must be aware of the myths and reality about this domain, or else you end up messing up your career and start cursing your fortune.
Why is Data Analytics a hot choice?
Of late, the number of young professionals working in different domains has developed an affinity towards data analytics. Some of these have shifted from their career in IT and other fields towards it, while there are many who despite not knowing what is analytics are thinking for a change in their job. Thanks to a growing number of data analytics courses online, more and more people are thinking to take a shift to this career. There are primarily two key reasons to get attracted to this field:

  • It is a lucrative industry to join
  • It can give good salaries and perks if you have a passion for numbers

However, most of the people who do not even know the data analyst meaning still want to enter it. Hence it is imperative to be realistic at this juncture when you are thinking of taking a shift to this field.
Data Analytics – Reality & Expectations
Although the career in data analytics can be lucrative, if it is not your cup of tea, there is no point in heading in this direction. First of all, check these realities:
The deeper you go, the tougher it becomes – Career in Data Analytics can be a lucrative option and could be selling like a hot cake but the deeper you dig, the harder it becomes. Learning and mastering the concepts of data analytics is not often an easy job, you are supposed to be committed and have the knack to play with numbers and play with data. You should own and hone analytical, technical and personal skills. The day you stop studying the concepts and ideas of this field, you just end up becoming obsolete very soon.
Meritocracy – This field is for people who are known for their merits and credentials. You may find it easy to join any data analytics courses online, but if you cannot excel in it, you may end up finding a clerical job in any data science company. You have to be the best in your work, and there are reports of people joining by being a blind follower. Instead, you should be realistic in choosing this career. An average understanding and competence in this field will not let you anywhere.
IT can Tough and Frustrating – Being a Data Analysts is like a software engineer who also has to keep on updating and upgrading himself to survive in this tough world. It can be a frustrating experience for many despite putting so many years and money as an investment as what you get would be too little to celebrate. Having said that, if this career is not addressing your Why, then you are bound to feel its toughness and end up leaving it out of frustration. Unless you are very sure about this career and have the knack and passion for playing with data, numbers, and analytics tools it’s naïve to even think of entering into this field. The field of data analytics is very demanding; you have to be a consistent learner with focus and then only harnessing the best opportunities in this field is possible.
With the rise in demand for data analytics in the market, there seems to be a craze among the youngster to enter into this field. However, it is always recommended to check the reality and expectations of this field and then decide to move ahead. After all, it is naĂŻve to enter into this field if you do not even know the data analyst meaning.

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