Budgeting and Forecasting Models: Helping Businesses Reach Their Financial Goals

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Budgeting and Forecasting models are considered effective tools in the world of business. These models play a crucial role in molding the future of a business. Financial management of a particular business is carried out by certain tools, which are budgeting and forecasting methods. These methods provide a specific structure for the financial management of a business which includes making the right decisions, having financial goals, etc. While budgeting focuses on the financial triangle which provides a detailed plan about expenses and income, forecasting draws a picture of their future in terms of what they want to achieve.

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Budgeting Methods

It is a procedure that was primarily developed to keep tabs on a specific business's expenses and revenue. These topics are considerably the two most importantly focussed ones in any banking course. Expected revenue and estimated expenditure are the two key components of it.

The earlier one discusses cash inflow, while the later one discusses cash outflow. It employs both a top-down and bottom-up strategy. They estimate the cost using a top-down method, which is then filtered by additional levels. The top-level authorities compile and estimate the final data using input from various groups in the bottom-up approach. Six techniques make up the budgeting tool. The methods are:

      1. Incremental Budgeting Method

The conventional method is where the previous year’s stats come into play. It is a widely used method that is not complex as it doesn’t have any specific formula. This method of budgeting involves adding or taking away specific numbers from the previous year's figures to determine the budget for the current year. The business's overall growth is taken into account when adding or subtracting.

      2. Zero-Based Budgeting Method

With this method, a complete reset is accomplished, as the name implies. The entire financial picture is reset to zero and begins with a clean slate with no prior history. The approach is risky because justifications are needed for each and every number displayed in the budget. Zero-based budgeting has many benefits for those with small businesses and extremely low revenue.

      3. Activity-Based Budgeting Method

The third option is where the goals are prioritised first. The efficient task committed by the organisation in dividing work into tiny segments where they are given a specific amount, which is further calculated as a whole. This method of budgeting is highly suggested by large companies as it provides accurate data, on the other hand, it is quite challenging for small-scale businesses as they have comparitively lower revenue.

     4. Collaborative Budgeting Method

Participation from all groups of people in the business triangle is part of a bottom-up approach where a participative approach is demonstrated. Managers provide recommendations and suggestions, which are combined to form a budget. In contrast to the conventional method, where the officials impose a specific budget on the executives, this method is more democratic because the officials at the top also offer suggestions.

    5.  Negotiated Budgeting Method

One of a kind where equity is established, it's a highly recommended budgeting method as it has recommendations, negotiations, and arguments from different sectors in a business. The budgeting becomes more accurate, and the data is attained much more easily. It is flexible, making it easier for the employees to make last-minute changes.

    6. Value-Proposition Budgeting Method

Contrary to the conventional approach, one of the least common methods focuses primarily on planning and its impact. By placing a strong emphasis on a product's value, this kind of budgeting eliminates idling cash flow. In accordance with this method, the businesses allocate a specific budget based on the value of the product. The value essentially summarises the budget. 

Forecasting Methods

Forecasting method in business is important as it shapes the future. In the forecasting method, certain techniques are used, which draw the picture of an upcoming trend, or events that are going to be superior. The future is visualised with the help of previous historical data or patterns which were successful in the past.

Companies who work deep in sales and marketing find forecasting methods as a blessing. It is also considered a lifesaver due to its effective way of reducing risks by predicting the future. For any banking and finance course, exploring forecasting methods is a must. Forecasting has several methods ranging from simple to complex, it is up to the companies as to choose which one.

1. Time Series Method

A frequently used method in which historical figures come into prominence, a time series method talks about data analysis with respect to the previous trends, events, etc. where revenue is shown. It has a specific formula that is used for calculation where the previous year’s revenue is multiplied with the growth rate.

2. Econometric Method

The practical application of economic theories and techniques is done to predict the changes in supplies. During the creation process, these models incorporate sophisticated data and knowledge. As suggested by its name, this kind of statistical model is useful for forecasting economic growth.

3. Judgemental Method

When launching a new product or dealing with unpredictable market conditions, judgmental forecasting models can be useful. To make predictions, various judgmental forecasting models use subjective and intuitive information. Its accuracy distinguishes it from the other methods, allowing it to add more information. This type of forecasting model is especially beneficial in research and development. Focus groups and specialist panels can provide information that a computerised model cannot.

4. Delphi Method

It is a qualitative method that prioritises expert opinion. The group theory, which states that a group can provide better suggestions than an individual, is used here. These experts are asked to answer a series of questions in rounds which leads to an estimated answer that the company wants. The accuracy of the information improves with each round as the experts update their earlier assumptions in light of new information from the panel. The technique concludes when the preset criteria are reached.


Budgeting and Forecasting methods are prominent in the world of business. Companies should follow certain procedures to ensure that their needs are satisfied. The use of technology to attain accuracy is a prominent technique as it molds the image of the business in an expanding world. They will be able to make better decisions as a result, which will enhance their overall financial performance.

Earn your investment banking certification through Imarticus Learning's Certified Investment Banking Operations Professional or CIBOP course. Dive into the world of banking with the help of this solid investment banker course. Go through the latest investment banking courses online in Imarticus Learning. 

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