Blockchain- The Future of Finance

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Security breaches, data theft, embezzlement and other security issues have threatened the finance industry for a long time. With blockchain entering the scene, data security has improved many folds. It has revolutionised the financial world as we know it.

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The future of finance is now looking for more open, inclusive and secure business networks with blockchain. Its unbounded potential moves beyond transparent transactions, reduced costs, more efficient processes and the launch of new banking and finance products and services. We are yet to unlock its full potential.

This article will discuss how blockchain transforms and modernises financial processes, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, speed, and security.

Blockchain- a comprehensive definition

Blockchain is a distributed ledger system or database that enables secure and transparent transaction recording across various devices or nodes. 

Blockchain is built on a consensus process in which network participants validate and agree on transaction validity. Each transaction is compiled into a "block" and added to a chain of previous blocks, yielding an immutable record of transactions. This essentially means data, once entered, can not be altered at any stage. This reduces the cost of employing trusted third parties to complete a transaction securely. 

Their most popular usage is in cryptocurrency transactions. 

Why blockchain is considered the future of finance

Blockchain technology has garnered significant attention in recent years and is often touted as the future of finance. This decentralised, transparent, and secure technology has the potential to transform the financial industry completely. 

Here are some of the main reasons why blockchain is regarded as the financial future:

  • Decentralisation: Blockchain functions on a distributed network of computers, removing the need for a governing body such as a bank or government. The fact that it is decentralised decreases the possibility of fraud, censorship, and manipulation. Transparency and accountability are maintained through the verification of transactions by multiple participants. 
  • Optimised security: To secure transactions, blockchain employs advanced cryptography algorithms. Each transaction is recorded in a "block" linked to previous blocks, forming an immutable information chain. Because of this tamper-resistant characteristic feature, blockchain is extremely secure and decreases the probability of hacking and fraud. 
  • Transparent and efficient transactions: Blockchain enables real-time, transparent access to transactional data. This prevents the need for intermediaries, allowing for faster and more efficient transaction settlement. Thanks to this technology, individuals and businesses can easily trace the origin of products, enhancing confidence in their authenticity. It is akin to having a seal of approval that assures the item's legitimacy. 
  • Smart contracts: Blockchain enables the implementation of smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements with predefined conditions. These contracts execute automatically when the specified circumstances are met, eliminating the need for middlemen and lowering transaction costs. Smart contracts can be used for various financial applications, including insurance claims, supply chain management, and decentralised finance (DeFi) protocols. 
  • Financial inclusion: Blockchain can offer financial services to populations worldwide without access or limited access to traditional banking. People can use a smartphone and internet connectivity to engage in the blockchain ecosystem, utilise banking services, and carry out peer-to-peer transactions. This can help overcome the global financial divide and promote economic inclusion. 
  • Asset tokenisation: Blockchain technology has made it possible to tokenise a wide variety of assets, including stocks, real estate, commodities, and intellectual property. By converting these assets into digital tokens on the blockchain, they can be easily traded, divided, and resolved, unlocking liquidity and creating greater investment potential. 
  • Cross-border transactions: Conventional cross-border transactions are often lengthy, costly, and require multiple intermediaries. Blockchain technology can streamline international transactions by eradicating the need for intermediaries, reducing costs, and increasing transaction speed. This can benefit businesses, individuals, and those receiving remittances by improving the efficiency and affordability of cross-border payments. 
  • Regulatory compliance: By providing a visible and auditable record of transactions, blockchain technology can aid with regulatory compliance. Regulators can access the blockchain to monitor activities and ensure everything complies with the required regulations. Blockchain can also help different organisations share information while ensuring data privacy and confidentiality.

Challenges of implementing blockchain technology 

While blockchain has immense potential to significantly alter the finance scene, it is important to note that its implementation, too, comes with challenges. 

Blockchain technology requires significant investment in software and hardware infrastructure, data modification complexity, literacy and skill requirements, the uncertainty of transaction duration, regulatory complexity, and dependence on computers and power. These factors can be too expensive for small investment and banking companies with limited financial resources.


Blockchain can make corporate and government operations more precise, efficient, secure, and cost-effective by eliminating the need for middlemen. Blockchain is unarguably the future of finance, but several related blockchain facts hinder its implementation across the board. These issues must be addressed before businesses can adopt blockchain in their daily operations. 

Studying blockchain now can unlock many future opportunities for students and professionals making them invaluable in the coming days. 

Imarticus Learning and SP Jain School of Global Management together present Asia’s finest Fintechcertification course. The course offers extensive practical training on various aspects of fintech, like cloud computing API, blockchain, RPA, IoT, machine learning and much more.

Visit the website for further details.

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