Analysing the Impact of Global Events on Financial Markets

Analysing the Impact of Global Events on Financial Markets

The financial markets are intricate environments shaped by a multitude of factors, with global events exerting a considerable influence on their course. Shifts in economic, international relations, or political conditions often directly affect stock prices and the overall performance of financial markets.

This article explores the intricate relationship between global events and financial markets, analysing the significant repercussions that geopolitical, economic, and societal events can impose on investment landscapes.

Economic Indicators 

A global economic slum affecting several countries can greatly impact stock markets and economies worldwide. A notable example of one such crisis is the 2007–2008 Financial Crisis, widely known as the subprime mortgage crisis.

The beginning of this crisis has found its connections to the unravelling of a bundle of mortgage-backed securities on Wall Street. The reason behind this was the failure of the Supreme Mortgages. This led to a major financial disaster, as many US residents became homeless and major financial institutions collapsed. The implications of this were faced by other global markets, such as Canadian and Asian, that had nothing to do with the activities taking place on Wall Street. 

Natural Disasters and Environmental Events

Natural disasters and environmental events can exert both direct and indirect impacts on financial markets. These events possess the capacity to disturb business operations, disrupt supply chains, and impact consumer demand, thereby causing increased volatility in the stock market.

An illustration of a natural disaster causing upheaval in the financial market is Hurricane Katrina, which struck in 2005. Oil prices spiked up to $70 per barrel as offshore drilling platforms were damaged. It ultimately caused huge damage to the US oil production capacity in the Gulf of Mexico.

Global Health Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic serves as a recent and vivid example of how global health crises can profoundly impact financial markets. Stock markets declined over 30%, and the pandemic triggered a worldwide economic downturn, causing widespread market sell-offs in the early 2020s. 

Specific sectors, such as technology and healthcare, experienced relative resilience, while other sectors, such as travel and hospitality, faced severe challenges. 

Geopolitical Events

Geopolitical conflicts can yield significant consequences for the worldwide financial market. A prime example is the 2016 Brexit referendum, where the United Kingdom opted to exit the European Union, introducing a heightened level of uncertainty. This decision sparked extensive volatility across diverse asset classes.

The most immediate effect of the referendum was on the British pound. As the referendum results unfolded, the pound experienced a sharp decline against major currencies. 

Trade Disputes

Lastly, trade tensions across major economies can cause significant market volatility. From introducing uncertainty to disrupting supply chains, they carry the potential to impact the economic prospects of involved countries. 

One notable example that vividly illustrates this phenomenon is the US-China Trade War that unfolded in 2018. It escalated with both countries imposing tariffs on each other’s goods.

 A total amount of $300 billion was imposed on US imports from China by the US government. It caused a significant increase in the tariff rate (17.5%). 

In response to this, China increased the average tariff that was applied to US exports to as much as 20.4%.

The most immediate result of this was faced by the companies that relied heavily on global supply chains, especially those with exposure to US-China trade. Corporate profits declined, thereby leading to concerns among investors about the financial health of affected companies.


The relationship between financial markets and global events is multifaceted. Investors need to be cautious in monitoring geopolitical developments, economic indicators, and environmental factors to make well-informed decisions. The interconnected nature of today’s globalised economy ensures that events in one part of the world can have serious consequences for financial markets everywhere. 

If you wish to know more about how global events can impact financial markets or simply want to pursue a career in the field of finance, you can check out investment banking courses online. 

One such among the available banking certification courses is the Certified Investment Banking Operations Professional course brought to you by Imarticus Learning. This program is specifically designed for finance graduates with 0-3 years of experience.

In addition, it also brings forth several advantages, some of which include industry-recognised certification, extensive career support, 100% job assurance, and access to live training modules, among others. 

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