7 tips to remember to make data visualisation better

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Last updated on November 28th, 2023 at 09:27 am

Data visualization is a powerful tool for communicating complex information, but it can also be daunting. Many data visualizations are compelling because they don't do anything too fancy or complicated. However, the more complex your data visualization is and the more subtle its impact on your audience, the better it will convey your message. You'll learn how to become a data analyst by leveraging simple data visualizations!

So here are seven things that you should keep in mind when making your subsequent data visualization:

Keep chart and graph headers simple and to the point. 

  • Use the same font or at least something simple and recognizable. 
  • Don't overcomplicate things by adding too many bells and whistles (like fancy charts) that aren't necessary for communicating an important message about what makes up your data set; instead, focus on keeping things simple!

Don't make graphic-heavy slides.

If you want your data visualized in a way that will help people understand it, then don't make graphic-heavy slides. It is the biggest mistake we see in presentations and can easily fall into.

Use a single color to represent the same type of data

One of the vital things to remember when creating data visualizations is to use a single color to describe the same data type. This helps create a visual hierarchy and lets the audience quickly identify what is essential. If you use more than one color, ensure they are used consistently throughout your visualization.

Don't use distracting fonts or elements

  • Don't use too many different fonts. 
  • Don't use too small or large fonts. 
  • Don't use thin or thick text; it should always appear legible at its normal size on your computer screen without looking pixelated or blurry—and remember: there's no need for fancy, glitzy effects like drop shadows here!
  • Finally, try not to crowd your layout with information.

Avoid patterns

While it is essential to be aware of the patterns in your data, you should also avoid them in the design and presentation of your visualizations.

 Make sure labels are visible.

Labels should be legible, placed close to the points they identify, and consistent with the data, formatting, and other labels. They should also be large enough that people can read them easily from a distance.

Order data intuitively

When visualizing a data set, it's easy to get lost in the maze of numbers and figures. But ordering them can make all the difference in how your audience interprets your information. 

Data visualization is a potent tool for presenting data, but it can be challenging to master. Data visualization is all about communicating effectively and efficiently. By following these simple tips, you can impact your audience. So go ahead, give it a try!

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