10 Do's and Don'ts For a Successful Leadership Training Course

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10 Do's and Don'ts For a Successful Leadership Training Course

Are you looking for a checklist of criteria to identify and develop top-notch leadership management programmes? If you are a top executive management personnel or the head of your organisation's human resources (HR) department, you know how vital it is to have a discerning eye and successfully implement employee training and development programmes. To guide your decisions, we have put together a list of do's and don'ts to follow for designing successful leadership and employee training and development programmes.


Through the leadership training programme, do:

Inspire participants to be in harmony with core business values and ethics.

This is because good leaders practice and propagate company values that gradually become part of the organisation's culture. This trickle-down effect will positively impact other employees and bring in clients who identify with the organisation's corporate identity.

Motivate leaders to pursue business results and people relationships in a well-balanced manner.

The programme should be able to encourage future leaders to chase better business results while fostering people relationships. The leadership development program should inculcate the importance of balanced leadership makes great leaders. This means being in charge of monitoring team activities and implementing the plan of action at the micro level, and creating a conducive environment and collaborative work culture at the macro level.

Improve the ability to promote accurate and harmonious information flow

The program must train leaders for effective communication and collaboration. The content and style of communication affect the success or failure of outcomes within the organisation and with partners, suppliers, and other collaborators.


Avoid making the following mistakes when designing and implementing leadership and employee training and development programmes. Don't:

Lower the bar for participants.

This does not train leaders for real-world battles. Just though sports training makes champions, an employee training and development programme with a structured, extensive curriculum helps develop resilient leaders who convert challenges into opportunities.

Let the enrollment of participants be homogenous and bland.

It severely limits the ability of participants to work with diverse yet constructive points of view. The lack of diversity and inclusivity of participants from different domains, geographies, and cultures makes poor, judgemental leaders.

Make the program for participants highly classroom-oriented.

The ideal conditions that prevail while solving theoretical problems do not work in the complex and demanding business world. Such an approach is impractical for building hands-on leaders. Action-oriented experiential learning for participants is vital.

Design a curriculum that does not shape skills for preparing future-ready leaders.

The shelf-life of skills is diminishing. For example, today's best coding is achieved using artificial intelligence without human intervention. The demand for mastery of future talents — rapid prototyping, constructive depolarising, dilemma flipping — from leaders is very different from that for traditional or popular skills, and the program needs to be in sync.

Have a routine that is highly rigid and discourages experimentation.

Such programs are not engaging enough and restrict participants' creativity, adaptability, and exploratory pursuits. These are essential for leaders to tackle real-world disruptions. Amoderate level of discipline with flexibility works best.

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