What are the Benefits of Investment Banking Certification

investment banking courses

Last updated on October 13th, 2022 at 11:37 am

With the rapid pace at which technology and data have evolved in the last decade, organizations have had to find newer practices in financial management and banking too. Whether you wish to make a career, switching jobs or are aspiring for a promotion, organizations want to know before recruiting that the aspirant has sufficient experience and certification in banking practice. This is where the employers need a measurable validation of your banking experience from a reputed institution to provide them with exactly this information.

How the Investment Banking Course Helps

The aim of the Investment Banking course is to ensure

  • Prepares you for final investment banking certification exams.
  • Aspirants are job-ready from day one.
  • Frequent updates and mock interviews for job placement.
  • Career guidance and interview-skills workshops.
  • Resume writing, assistance and application techniques.
  • Assured job placements.

The best learning courses for IB certification ensure they bridge the gaps in technological and soft skills while producing job-ready aspirants who can hit the ground running. The three components covered are

  • Experiential learning: The courses have experiential practical training led by certified and industry-drawn instructors and mentors, Excel-based technology training, powerful discussion forums, Post-course engagement, and a host of assignments and case studies.
  • Soft-skills Learning: Inclusive of interpersonal communications, email and virtual communication, decision making, time management, problem-solving, assertiveness and emotional intelligence building.
  • Course Learning: This module is comprehensively handled through extensive classroom sessions using tools like video lectures, real-life simulations, assured placement sessions, resume writing and building sessions, mock interviews and more.

Why Investment Banking Certifications are So Essential:

Certifications like the investment banking certification besides being a goal achieved can also provide you with a number of other benefits like

  • Builds your confidence and adds to your resume.
  • Measures your Excel, technological and presentation skills.
  • Visibility in a pool of aspirants in the job market.
  • Salaries that are probably better and account for a better experience in banking practice.
  • Credibility that you know, implement and practice the techniques learnt in the course.
  • Match market and technological trends that are current and in demand.

Job Perks:

A quick look at the salaries range shows that IB salaries can range from 6 to 22 lacs. Those with certification do tend to draw and negotiate contracts paying them 20 to 40% more than the median salaries.
Recruiting Companies:
Recruiting companies includeJP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Morgan and Stanley, Accenture, Datamatics, Deloitte, BSE, Adobe, Acer, Aaj Tak, Amazon, Yes Bank, Bajaj, Springboard, 99 acres, Mahindra group, Heng Seng Bank, BNP Paribas, HSBC, and more.

Minimum education:

Banking does require sound financial knowledge and though not mandatory graduation in economics, finance, business administration, math, etc does give you an edge. So do the certifications in the field, especially when they come from a reputed institute like Imarticus, and serve as measurable indices of skill and experience in the required concepts of banking like in IB or AM.

Climbing the job ladder:

Starting as an intern and working your way up to the licensing and certifications in the US is very popular.
• 2 to 3 years as an Intern Financial Analyst in both fields.
• AM/IB Associate.
• VP- Investment Banking/ Asset Management.
• IB/AM Director.
• MD, CFO etc.

Investment Banking Salaries

There is hardly any difference in the pay packages across the various sectors of IB. In early 2004, the median professional IB salary was 315,000 USD. A decade later the figures for the IB salary stood at 288,000 USD. Investopedia reports suggest the median 2015 the investment banker’s salary was in the range of 75,000 to 85,000 USD. The performance bonuses added to take it to 140,000 USD for bankers in the early first year. Asset managers pay packages varied between 55,000 to 100,000 USD with a flat cut in the funds managed by them. Thus the financial crisis, global shifts in capital markets and new financial products will see the IB salaries rise and the gaps in salaries across IB services close, according to an FT article source.
Banking jobs are high-prestige, well-paying secure fixed-hours jobs. There is an unending demand of aspirants seeking bank- job prospects and the scope for the demand in personnel is always rising. The US Labor Department predicts a decade of growth of 12% starting from 2014. This is so as the financial instruments are also evolving fast based on market requirements and both the technology and concept applications get complex and new-age. Do your investment banking certification at Imarticus Learning and kick-start your career today.

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