Supply Chain Stories: How To Get A Supply Chain Analytics Program Operational In Three Months

best supply chain management and analytics courses

Supply Chain Stories: How To Get A Supply Chain Analytics Program Operational In Three Months

The market for supply chain analytics is currently booming. What is the cause of this surge, and why should you join the movement? This post will examine the driving factors behind supply chain analytics.

Identify Your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Data Sources

One of the first steps in implementing a supply chain analytics program is identifying your key performance indicators (KPIs). These are the most important metrics for any business, as they are critical for demonstrating value and improving operations. It will automatically capture every sale without requiring people to enter data into Excel spreadsheets manually! 

Develop an Initial Strategy and Business Cases for the Program

Before you begin to plan your supply chain analytics program, developing an initial strategy and business cases for the program are essential. This step will help you define your goals and plan for achieving them.

Remember: goals should be ambitious but realistic. 

Define the Scope of the Project with an Implementation Plan

When you begin a Supply Chain Analytics program, it is crucial to lay out the scope of your project and who will be involved in each phase. You'll also need to determine who your stakeholders are so they can be included in discussions about the project during various stages. 

  • Define which systems or processes need to be analyzed (e.g., inventory management)
  • Decide what data sources need access for analysis (e.g., supplier data)

The industry is growing fast

From 2022 to 2030, the global supply chain analytics market can develop at a compound yearly growth rate of 17.6 percent, reaching USD 22.46 billion. And it's not just the industry that is growing — the number of available jobs for supply chain professionals is increasing, too!

The supply chain always bounces back.

Indeed, there is always a way to pull back from the edge regarding your supply chain, no matter how bad things become. This is what excellent supply chain analytics programs are all about – anticipating problems before they happen and making sure you don't fall into a rut by making mistakes you can avoid through better planning.

Many of the ways you can use an analytics program to improve productivity include:

  • Developing more accurate forecasts of demand (based on historical trends)
  • Allocating resources more effectively based on real-time inventory data
  • Finding new suppliers who can provide lower-cost products/services than those currently being used in order/delivery processes

As a result, these supply chains must become more innovative, faster, and more efficient. 

Discover a supply chain management career with Imarticus Learning

Students interested in the SCM course can get the most recent information by completing the supply chain management certification online. 

Course Benefits For Learners:

  • To provide students a complete understanding of the sector and position them for a prosperous future as certified Supply Chain analysts, we include them in significant technologies and initiatives, including six real-world projects.

  • Students may prepare for highly sought-after occupations like demand planner or data scientist, which are in high demand among firms today, by completing supply chain analytics courses!

  • Aspirants will learn to become data-centric and improve Supply Chain decision-making using the Python programming language.

Contact us through chat support, or drive to one of our training centers in Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Chennai, Bengaluru, Delhi, and Gurgaon. 

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