How Much Do Product Managers Earn in India and Globally?

product manager salary

Last updated on July 23rd, 2024 at 06:24 pm

Product management has emerged as a highly sought-after career in the IT sector, known for overseeing the development and launch of innovative products. Beyond the thrill of driving product innovation, it promises lucrative salaries and enticing benefits. Prospective product managers should prioritise understanding the dynamic landscape of product manager salary.

This blog delves into the average salaries for product managers globally, highlighting differences between domestic and international scales. It also provides actionable tips on strategies to boost annual earnings, ensuring aspiring professionals can navigate salary negotiations effectively and maximise their earning potential.

Average Product Manager Salary in India

The product manager salary might differ depending on brand, region, experience level, and area of competence. Because of the developing IT business in India, typical pay for product managers is quite competitive. The product manager salary in India is at least ₹16 lakhs. However, this pay might increase to ₹60 lakhs annually with more job expertise and skill sets. Even for rookies, product management positions provide competitive starting compensation.

The annual salary range for an entry-level product manager is estimated to be between ₹10 and 12 lakhs, with an additional 1 lakh when revenue distribution is taken into account. 

In what ways does seniority level influence a product manager’s salary?

Product managers' salary increases dramatically as they move up the seniority ladder. Higher pay is correlated with hierarchical responsibilities. Here is a thorough analysis of the average product manager salary in India broken down based on heirarchy:

  • VP of Product Management Salary in India: ₹55 Lakhs
  • Senior Director Product Management Salary in India: ₹52 Lakhs

These numbers highlight how experience levels and pay are directly correlated. Product managers get more money as they move up the corporate hierarchy and undertake more significant tasks.

Company-Wise Average Product Manager Salary

The salary as a product manager may be significantly impacted by the organisation one works for. Pay rates and compensation arrangements vary depending on company size. Let's explore the typical salary for product managers at a few of the top Indian IT firms:

The above figures highlight how competitive the IT sector is, with elite businesses paying more to draw in and retain top talent. When assessing prospective job opportunities, it's critical to consider the business's credibility, workplace culture, and financial stability.

Location-Wise Average Production Manager’s Salary

Product manager salaries are also significantly influenced by location. To compete in the talent market, cities with a strong IT sector often offer greater pay. The following is a thorough analysis of the average product manager salary in India's largest cities:

According to this regional breakdown, product manager salaries are greater in tech-centric locations. When comparing possible employment offers, it's crucial to take into consideration the cost of lifestyle because living costs might differ greatly between cities.

Average Production Manager Salary in India: Skill-Based

The salary of a product manager is mostly dependent on their skill set and level of experience. Businesses frequently reward specialised skills which are in popular demand. Let's examine a few crucial skills and the corresponding average pay for product managers in India:

Expertise in go-to-market strategy, product strategy, and agile software development can result in higher earnings potential. Moreover, having a diverse skill set—for example, solid experience in both marketing and product management—can help a product manager become more desirable to employers and increase their earning potential.

Average Product Manager Salary Abroad

Even though India has received most of the attention thus far, it's crucial to remember that product management is a global industry. The pay for global product managers varies greatly between nations. Here are some statistics for a few chosen nations for those thinking about working overseas or are just interested in learning how much product managers make in other countries:

These global salary statistics highlight how local economic circumstances and variations in the cost of living have an impact on product manager salaries. The thriving IT sector and increased cost of living in places like California, New York, and Seattle may sometimes result in better income potential.

Factors Responsible for a Product Manager’s Salary in India

Let's now explore the aspects that significantly affect the product manager salary in India. Gaining knowledge of these components can assist an aspiring product manager in navigating their career and negotiating the finest potential benefits package:

  • Company: Payment structures differ throughout corporations, with larger organisations often paying more competitive rates. Smaller businesses and startups, on the other hand, may also provide alluring incentives if they recognise the importance of product management and have adequate capital.
  • Work Experience: Experience is one of the most important factors influencing a product manager's earning potential. One's pay will inevitably rise as one gains more work experience and has an impressive record of profitable product launches. For this reason, people in leadership positions and senior product managers often demand higher salaries.
  • Location: A significant factor in deciding the salary is the city or area in which one is employed. Higher pay is offered in IT hubs like Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Gurgaon to draw and retain talent. The expense of residing in these places should be taken into account, too, as it has a big influence on one's disposable income.
  • Skills: Product management is a highly valued sector that specialises in skills. Gaining experience in fields like go-to-market strategy, agile software development, and product strategy, as well as investing in continuing professional development, may increase earning potential. These abilities are valuable, and employers are ready to pay extra for them. Enrolling in a product management course can aid professionals in learning new skills and being industry-ready.

Ways to Increase a Product Manager’s Salary

A strong product manager can boost their salary by following these essential steps.

  • Prior Preparation: Being organised is essential during wage bargaining. Examine the average remuneration provided by local businesses as well as industry salary standards. 
  • Respectful and Empathetic Approach: Candidates should be empathetic when discussing salary or job offers. However, they should also acknowledge their worth and be confident in communicating their value to the company.
  • Salary Range Presentation: During negotiation, candidates should provide a salary range rather than a single amount. This strategy gives them freedom and shows that they've thought through the aspects that will probably impact their desired salary.
  • Being Open to Rejection: Sometimes, salary talks end in counteroffers or rejections. When making choices, candidates should be ready for these results and take their long-term professional objectives into account.


The pay scale for product managers in India is varied and depends on factors such as region, industry, and experience. Earnings for professionals in large cities often range on the higher side. Acquiring proficiency in this domain could lead to fulfilling job prospects, as the need for knowledgeable product managers keeps growing.

Enrol today in Imarticus’ Professional Certificate in Product Management With CEC, IIT Roorkee, to launch a career in product management.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is India’s average product manager salary in 2024?

Given the present trend and anticipated growth, the average salary for a product manager in India may range from ₹9 Lakhs to ₹25 Lakhs.

  • How does a product manager's salary alter with seniority levels?

Salary increases for product managers typically equate with increased seniority. For example, a Chief Product Officer could receive a salary of ₹30 Lakhs, while an Assistant Product Manager can make ₹10 Lakhs.

  • How can location affect the Product Manager’s Salary in India?

Salary for product managers is mostly dependent on location. Salary levels are often higher in places like Bangalore and Hyderabad, which have a strong IT sector.

  • Which companies pay the highest Product Manager salary in the nation?

Product Manager salaries at some of India's top software firms, like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta, are competitive and may reach above ₹50 Lakhs annually.

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