Importance of Organisational Behavior and Human Resources Management

pgdm in fintech course

Last updated on October 16th, 2023 at 05:31 am

Organisational behaviour and human resources direction (HRM) play crucial roles in the success of any organisation. In today's free enterprise, concern surround, companies recognise the significance of these two disciplines and their wallop on employees' overall execution and productivity.

This article explores the grandness of organisational behaviour and HRM, their key concepts, the synergy between them, their applications in the business reality, challenges faced, and futurity trends. In the dynamical byplay landscape, organisations need to understand the intricacies of human behaviour within the workplace.

Organisational behaviour refers to the study of how individuals, groups, and structures interact and influence each other within an organisation. HRM, on the other hand, focuses on managing the people within an organisation to achieve strategic objectives. These two fields are intertwined, as effectual HRM practices rely on a deep apprehension of organisational behaviour.

Definition of Organisational Behaviour

Organisational behaviour encompasses a range of topics, including single behaviour, grouping behaviour, organisational culture, and leadership. It seeks to understand how individuals behave in the workplace, how groups form and interact, the wallop of organisational civilisation on employee behaviour, and the role of leaders in shaping organisational behaviour. By studying these aspects, organisations can gain insights into employee satisfaction, motivation, and execution.

Importance of Organisational Behaviour

Understanding organisational behaviour is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps organisations create a prescribed work environment that fosters employee involution and satisfaction. By recognising single differences and promoting inclusivity, organisations can leverage diversity to aim for innovation and creativity. Secondly, studying aggroup behaviour enables companies to enhance team dynamics, quislingism, and problem-solving capabilities. 

Effective teamwork leads to higher productivity and breaks decision-making. Finally, organisational civilisation plays a life-sustaining role in defining employee behaviour and influencing their values, attitudes, and work ethics. A really warm and prescribed culture helps draw and keep top talent

The Role of Cloud Computing in Enhancing Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources Management

Cloud computing has emerged as a game-changer in the realm of organisational behaviour and human resources direction. By leveraging the force of the cloud, businesses can streamline their operations, optimise workforce direction, and improve employee coaction.

Cloud-based HR solutions enable seamless access to employee data, allowing HR professionals to make informed decisions and supply personalised support. Moreover, cloud-based platforms ease remote work, enabling employees to continue being connected and productive from anywhere. As organisations increasingly embrace cloud computing, its wallop on enhancing organisational behaviour and HR management continues to grow.

Key Concepts in Organisational Behaviour

Individual Behaviour

Individual behaviour focuses on understanding how employees' personality traits, attitudes, motivation, and perceptions influence their behaviour in the workplace. By recognising individual differences and providing tailored support, organisations can maximise employee potential and job satisfaction.

Group Behaviour

Group behaviour explores the dynamics of teams and the impact of social interactions on performance. It involves studying factors such as group formation, communication patterns, conflict resolution, and decision-making processes. Organisations that effectively manage group behaviour can harness the collective intelligence and skills of their employees.

Organisational Culture

Organisational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and norms that shape behaviour within an organisation. It influences employee motivation, engagement, and commitment to organisational goals. A positive culture fosters a sense of belonging and encourages employees to give their best.


Leadership is a critical factor in driving organisational behaviour. Effective leaders exalt and incite employees, create a vision for the organisation, and guide them towards achieving too common objectives. Leadership styles, such as transformational and retainer leadership, have an important wallop on employee performance and satisfaction.

The Role of Human Resources Management

HRM encompasses a chain of practices that aim to attract, acquire, and retain a very talented workforce. It involves very various functions, including recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, and employee involution.

Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and selection processes ensure that organisations hire individuals who possess the required skills, knowledge, and cultural fit. Strategic recruitment practices contribute to the organisation's success by attracting top talent and promoting diversity.

Training and Development

Training and evolution programs raise employee skills, knowledge, and competencies. They equip employees with the really necessary tools to surpass in their roles and give to the organisation's development. Continuous learning opportunities also improve employee participation and job satisfaction.

Performance Management

Performance management involves setting performance goals, providing feedback, and recognising and rewarding employee achievements. Effective performance management systems foster a culture of accountability, continuous improvement, and fair evaluation.

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement focuses on creating a positive work environment where employees feel valued, motivated, and committed. Engaged employees are more likely to go above and beyond their job requirements, resulting in improved productivity and customer satisfaction.

The Synergy between Organisational Behaviour and HRM

Organisational behaviour and HRM are interconnected disciplines. HRM practices should align with the principles and concepts of organisational behaviour to optimise employee performance. For example, understanding individual behaviour helps HR managers create personalised training and development programs. Knowledge of group behaviour enables effective team building and conflict resolution. Organisational culture influences HR policies and practices, shaping employee behaviour and attitudes.

Applications in the Business World

Organisational behaviour and HRM have extensive applications in the business world. Companies that prioritise these disciplines can enhance employee productivity, reduce turnover, and improve overall organisational performance. By fostering a positive work environment, organisations attract and retain top talent, resulting in a competitive edge. Effective HRM practices also contribute to the development of future leaders and succession planning.

Challenges and Strategies

Implementing organisational behaviour and HRM practices comes with challenges. Resistance to change, lack of employee buy-in, and limited resources can hinder successful implementation. To overcome these challenges, organisations should focus on effective communication, employee involvement, and continuous training. Adopting a data-driven approach and leveraging technology can also streamline HRM processes and enhance decision-making.

Future Trends in Organisational Behaviour and HRM

The field of organisational behaviour and HRM is evolving rapidly. Future trends include the integration of technology in HRM processes, increased focus on employee well-being and work-life balance, and the emergence of remote work arrangements. Organisations need to stay updated with these trends to remain competitive and attract top talent.


Organisational behaviour and HRM are critical aspects of managing employees in any organisation. By understanding individual and group behaviour, leveraging organisational culture, and implementing effective HRM practices, companies can create a positive work environment, maximise employee potential, and drive organisational success.

Embracing the synergy between these disciplines ensures that organisations stay competitive and adapt to the ever-changing business landscape.

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