Business Analyst Job Description, Roles, Responsibilities

how to become a business analyst

The business world is alive due to the effective integration of technology and management. Business analysts (BAs) are the strategic link between these two conflicting departments. Therefore, they help the industries communicate through translation and interpretation and innovate for the nation's prosperity.

This article explores a business analyst's job description and profile, giving relevant tips on how to become a business analyst. 

What Does a Business Analyst Do?: Business Analyst Duties

1.  Eliciting Requirements

One of the main business analyst job descriptions is providing the first reactions to anything concerning an organisation’s enlargement. They behave as if they were detectives, obtaining information from different stakeholders in the company. Consequently, they gather the data by using interviews, workshops and surveys revealing the who, what and why behind business needs.

 2.  The Process of Analysis and Modification

After a comprehensive analysis of the market environment, they turn into specialists in optimisation processes. They specifically inspect the resource utilisation of existing workflows and find out the constraining and imperfect zones. This analysis involves the process of identifying the existing or current processes, detecting the shortcomings of these processes, and proposing solutions to the problem of streamlining the processes so that they can be more efficient. Candidates searching about how to become a business analyst should know this. 

3.  Data Analysis

Data may be considered as being a “goldmine” for data analysts. Such an ability allows them to have a look at the well-hidden trends and patterns as long as they are somewhere hidden in the dataset. Insights are like precious jewels, they translate into the information that will lead to the recommendations that are data-driven and thus will be the decisions that will be made. This will demand factual support on the assumptions if any, avoiding unrealistic strategies. Hence, data analysis is important for people aspiring to know how to become a business analyst.

4.  Communication and Documentation

Business Analysts are the medium through which corporate and technical sides are intermediately linked. They possess the vital skill to transform hard-to-grasp concepts and mould them into understandable packets for tech-minded and people with non-technical backgrounds. This transparent and punctual communication, annotated clearly, is the key to unanimity in the whole project's life cycle and one should know what is a business analyst before getting into this job profile. 

Business Analyst Skills

1.  Business Acumen

An exceptional business analyst shouldn't just be seen as a tech guy, they are a business partner, a critical insight for those aiming to understand how to become a business analyst. This is a way of saying that one should know the fundamentals of business before trying to excel in a certain area. This covers skills in financial statement interpretation, marketing methodology and how to drive operations. The valuable industry-specific knowledge ranks high. The basic knowledge of the sector's particular challenges and opportunities will enable BAs to modify their solutions in the best way possible.

2.  Analytical Skills

Business analysts have the potential to datasets, to find hidden trends and patterns, and to transform these insights into actionable recommendations. Having such skills demands statistical analysis methodologies knowledge and the ability to make sense of the data summarised in plots, and tables,  a requirement for anyone looking into how to become a business analyst.

 3. Problem-Solving Skills

The business field has many problems, and business analysts are the first ones to deal with those problems. Business analysts should be resourceful and good at solving problems by finding the source of problems, suggesting possible solutions and creating wonderful recommendations. Normally, the person doing this is confronted with the challenge of being creative and finding better solutions for complex problems. Upcoming BA asking how to become a business analyst should possess this. 

4. Technical Skills

Even though this qualification is not obligatory, technical competency is a vital point of advantage that anyone looking to know how to become a business analyst should possess. This may involve mastery of analytical tools that enable manipulation of data, such as Excel, Power BI, or Tableau. Honing analytical skills requires candidates to know about various analytical tools. Moreover, the knowledge of project management methodologies like Agile or Waterfall can facilitate the smooth flow of the projects. Having fluency in Python or R programming languages will also be as advantageous depending on the more technical tasks. While it is true that technical skills should be a supplement rather than a substitute for business competency and analytics aptitude, both are very critical areas that one should master.

Business Analyst Skills

Exploring the Business Analyst Scope: Different Business Analyst Careers

After knowing how to become a business analyst, one should know what they can become after successful completion of the data science course

1.  Business Systems Analyst

Business analyst roles and responsibilities include accessing and explore the deep details of the business systems, analysing how these systems operate, along examining their effectiveness and integration with other functions. Their speciality is in recognising the places of significance and suggesting solutions that will make the system perform better and the user interface more user-friendly. Above all, they are the ones who collaborate most closely with the IT teams so that the flow of business processes and technologies work together.

2.  Business Process Analyst

BPAs are the best people to implement business processes aiming at making them as efficient as possible. Working in very small detail, they thoroughly scrutinise the existing business workflows, seeking the slowdowns, the unnecessary repetitions, and the places for improvement, a prerequisite for any person who wants to know how to become a business analyst. BAs should have astounding abilities to use their eagle eyes and delve into every corner of the present system to reveal its obsolete stats and demonstrate how to improve the workflow and make it more efficient.

3.  Data Analyst BA

Nowadays, the data-driven world is the one where the Data Analyst is a very popular job profile. Such managers not only have entrepreneurial wit coupled with foreign know-how and data analysis ability. Data scientists use various data analysis tools and methodologies to find out what value is stored in datasets that can be hidden from plain view. The results of the analysis are then translated into practical recommendations which in turn are used to make business decisions based on facts not just assumptions. Before diving into this Business Analyst world, one must be sure about the business analyst job profile. 

4.  Requirement Analyst

The task of Requirement Analysts is to acquire information that is needed for the completion of the BA team. As a facilitator, they have to perform a central function of offering the bridge so that the company may be able to collect the needs of the stakeholders through the organisation. In the process of their research, they conduct interviews, workshops, and surveys and thus they very carefully record the needs, challenges, and pain points that should be resolved which is essential for anyone aspiring to know how to become a business analyst. The security issue they work on is that they provide the link between the business and the development sides of the industry.

Business Analysts Salary

The earning potential for BAs is entirely dependent on their experience, location, and industry type, a consideration for anyone who plans on learning how to become a business analyst. According to Payscale, the annual salary of a business analyst is $87,660. 

Nevertheless, this is the starting point. A skilled BA with experience, honed abilities, and specialised skill sets like data analysis or process optimisation can reach salary ranges well above the national average.

At the entry-level, BAs can expect a starting salary on the low end, but as they gain experience and undertake more complex projects, their earning potential grows in a parallel way. Location is another factor that can influence such behaviour main cities are the ones responsible for the highest salaries to attract high-level talent. 

Lastly, vacation particularisation and income can be influenced as well. Fields such as technology, finance, and healthcare are usually the ones that have the highest salaries since they are the most sought-after BAs. Dive into the Post Graduate Program in Data Science and Business Analytics of Imarticus. This data science and data analytics course gives candidates all the skills and the know-how to be a data-based business analyst and start their BA career. Therefore, this is a prosperous career for those who want to know how to become a business analyst

Data Science Course

Top Recruiters For Business Analysts

1.   Accenture

A global professional services firm dedicated to consulting and digital transformation processes. (A business entity that provides consultancy services as well as digital transformation services.) Business analysts' roles at Accenture include bringing together business requirements and technological solutions.

2.  Amazon

An e-commerce major that is among the highest revenue generators with constant innovation. If people want to know how to become a business analyst, they should know that BAs at Amazon create timely and efficient processes. They optimise operations and make decisions based on an evidential examination.

3.  Deloitte

An international professional services network, which is offering consulting, audit, and tax services. BAs at Deloitte contribute know-how by assessing and finding solutions to complex business problems.

 4.  IBM

A large technology company leader with a portfolio including hardware, software, and cloud computing services. BAs at IBM analyse business needs, design solutions, and make sure that technology projects are being implemented successfully.

5.  Microsoft

A multinational sector engaged in the production, marketing, and sale of software, consumer electronics, and related services. The combination of BAs at Microsoft creates a bridge between the tech teams and the business stakeholders that address the business objectives, as well as certified technology solutions.

Business Analyst Trends that Will Define the Success of the Industry

1.   Demand for Data-Driven Decision Making

The world today lacks no data. Organisations are, therefore, including data as one of the tools used in informing their strategic decisions. Employers will highly value business analysts who excel in data analytics, for example, by having the capability to gather data and analyse and interpret results. The knowledge of data visualisation tools and techniques will be a key factor in the ability to present insights to the stakeholders. If one wants to know how to become a business analyst, one will be in high demand for data-driven decision-making. 

2.  Rise of Agile Methodologies

While waterfall project management methodologies have been dominant up to date, more agile approaches have been narrowing the gap going forward. Being capable of coping with this dynamic environment which is evolving and changing flexibly and sequentially is an essential step when learning how to become a business analyst. They will be a key part of the project by understanding the user stories and organising sprint planning sessions as well as continuous collaboration between business stakeholders and development teams.

3.  Focus on Automation

Automation is altering different dimensions of enterprise operations. A business analyst's role is to identify those areas where doing the same tasks can be outsourced to machines. The academic staff will have to collaborate with IT teams to design and implement the automation solutions.  This will help to automate the processes and thus improve the efficiency of the workflow.


As a business analyst, candidates will be presented with a new set of challenges, which will also challenge their ingenuity and logical thinking. It is a way to a fulfilling career with a lot of room for growth. Filling the gap between business and technology, business analysis is a functional role worthy of consideration if one seeks a dynamic role. If this description resonates with you, follow this guide to learn how to become a business analyst today.

Are you ready for the first step? Enrol in the Post Graduate Program in Data Science and Business Analytics by Imarticus to learn what you need to be a good business analyst and start your journey of fulfilment. This PG course help you gain access to the fundamental skills required for enhancement in this field and launch your BA career today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the career path for a business analyst?

The career track of business analysts is a transition into becoming a senior business analyst, a business consultant and even specialising in other important fields such as data analytics or business process management.

Do I need a degree to become a business analyst?

While a business administration or information technology degree is often preferred for this position, any other relevant degree may be approved or some substantial experience by particular employers may apply.

What are the benefits of being a business analyst?

Good salary, job security, and industry diversity.

What are the challenges of becoming a business analyst?

If anyone wants to know how to become a business analyst, then the job calls for one to be good at more than one thing at a time in communication, very good at handling more than one issue at a time, and being in line with the latest advancement in technology that is known.

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