General Management Programme: Syllabus & Course Details

general management course

Last updated on April 4th, 2024 at 09:41 am

A general management programme is the best option to enhance leadership, decision-making and business skills. Since management is a dynamic process, it constantly evolves to meet changing objectives of the business world. 

A general management programme paves the way for building a strong management system in a business entity. A general management course will be a great choice if you are a graduate looking to upscale yourself. Enrolling in a general management course from a reputed institute can help improve your management skills, thus unlocking lucrative job opportunities. 

Keep reading to learn about the course details of a general management programme

What is a general management course?

As the name suggests, a general management programme helps one to enhance their management strategies. Whether an individual is a newly promoted manager or has been in the company for a while, a general management programme would help upskill them quickly. This course would assist one in understanding the current industry and management tips and tricks, helping prospective employees move up the career ladder. 

general management programme

A general management course would train you to develop core abilities to tackle industrial problems effectively. This course is also immensely helpful in boosting confidence. 

General management programme: Scope and importance

A general management programme has immense scope careerwise for employees, both experienced and new. Here are some important skills a general management programme would train you in. 

  • Leadership skills

Leadership is an essential element of the general management course. This course provides the scope to enhance the leadership skills that help you manage your team members efficiently and guide them through difficult business situations. 

  • Market exposure 

A general management programme helps you get extreme market exposure. This training facilitates you to welcome new opportunities. Since the course is in demand currently, this course would give you an upper hand to excel in your career. 

  • Out-of-the-box thinking 

A general management programme improves your soft skills exponentially. Once you finish this course, you will find an immense change in your thought process. This course enhances your skills to think of unique ideas and strategies that not only help you grow professionally but also help the organisation reach new heights. 

  • Problem-solving 

Every organisation has to face certain problems from time to time. This course prepares you to analyse and solve problems efficiently in real-time. With this course, one can overcome adverse situations in the industry while maintaining a calm demeanour. 

  • Setting Goals 

An individual faces several challenges while working in an organisation. Nevertheless, the individual needs to set goals accordingly to overcome those adversities. This course helps an individual to set goals for not only their personal improvement but also to boost their organisation’s growth. However, these goals should not be superficial and must be realistic. 

General management programme: Syllabus and course details 

The general management programme is a comprehensive course that sets you on the right path if you want to take up a management position. Here are some extensive details about the course syllabus and other important factors. 


The course syllabus is divided into these aspects with the following sub-parts. They are: 

  • Quantitative methods: Includes managerial statistics, data analysis, decision making and data visualisation. 
  • Economics: Includes macroeconomics and global economic outlook. 
  • Accounting: Includes an introduction to financial statements, fundamentals of company analysis, performance and valuation impact and analysing of cost and strategic decision-making methods. 
  • Operations: Includes managing service operations, supply chain management, managing projects and project risks, operational excellence and industry 4.0. 
  • Finance: Includes financial forecasting, the evolution of decisions in corporate investment and mergers and acquisitions. 
  • Information systems: Includes platform business, artificial intelligence with machine learning, adoption and digital transformations. 
  • People management and leadership: Includes working in teams, managing performances, rewarding and motivating people, aligning strategies with culture, people and performance and leadership. 
  • Marketing: Includes an introduction to marketing management, B2B marketing, service marketing, digital marketing and strategic marketing. 
  • Strategy: Includes corporate strategy and diversification, industrial analysis, strategy concepts, disruptive innovation, digital business models, new venture creation, strategic implementation, organisational alignment, designing and entrepreneurship. 

Programme objectives 

The primary objective of the general management programme is to improve your managerial skills for taking strategic and managerial decisions for senior management roles. However, there are other objectives too. They are: 

  • Helps the aspirants to appreciate all kinds of inter-dependencies in an organisation that helps in acquiring perspective for general management positions. 
  • Provides introspection on best practices of different management areas. 
  • Provides organisational effectiveness and excellence in performance in the management. 


A general management programme is a comprehensive course that improves managerial skills and helps working professionals climb the corporate ladder. 

If you want to learn about the general management programme alongside different aspects of financial statements, check out Imarticus Learning's 21st General Management Programme offered in collaboration with IIM-A. This hybrid course would prepare you for different management positions with a well-rounded learning model.

For more details, check out their website right away! 

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