Cloud Computing and Robotic Process Automation in Business Processes

pgdm in fintech course

Last updated on October 15th, 2023 at 08:29 pm

The business world is being transformed daily due to the implementation of technology.

Cloud computing delivers various services via the Internet, including servers, data storage, software and networking. Cloud computing has gained a lot of popularity for businesses that are looking for off-site data backup solutions. 

Robotic process automation (RPA) is the application of technology run on structured inputs and business logic to automate various business processes. Implementing RPA in business processes transforms an organisation's manual and core processes. 

In this article, we will discuss implementing cloud computing and robotic process automation in various business processes. 

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing can be described as the delivery of various services via the Internet. These include tools and applications such as databases, servers, data storage, software and networking. 

Cloud-based storage saves files in a remote database instead of in a traditional hard drive or local storage device. 

Instead of owning their own data centres or computing infrastructures, companies can rent anything from storage to applications from a cloud service provider. The data can be accessed as long as the devices have internet connection. 

Cloud computing has many advantages, such as increased productivity, cost savings, performance enhancement, speed and efficiency and security. 

With cloud computing, the following operations can be performed:

  • Analysis of data
  • Developing new services and applications
  • Hosting websites and blogs
  • Storage, backup and recovery of data
  • Streaming audio and videos 
  • Delivery of software on demand

Implementation of cloud computing in businesses 

Cloud computing has a wide range of applications in business processes. It eliminates the idea of depending on hardware resources and solely depends on virtual machines. 

Here are some ways cloud computing can be implemented in various business processes. 

File storage

A common use of cloud computing in businesses is file storage. Any file can be stored on the cloud. Private cloud services are also available in case some files need limited access. 

Data backup 

Even though data can be backed up in a computer or a drive, these can get physically damaged. The cloud allows you to back up data safely and securely. 

Data recovery 

As long as you have an electronic device and an internet connection, you can recover your data, files and programs in case of a disaster. Cloud computing is an excellent way of safeguarding important business information for later recovery. 

Infrastructure as a service 

Using cloud computing, your clients can use your infrastructure to host their cloud services. You can also sell third-party infrastructures to create websites for promoting the services and products of the client. 

Promoting collaborations 

Collaboration with any business or other businesses has become a global concern. With cloud computing, collaboration has been made easier. It does not matter where you or your collaborators are; all the project files can be shared via the cloud. 

Testing new projects 

Often tech companies use their private cloud for testing new processes or programs before they are launched. The company's engineer can set up any test program to find and solve problems before sending them to the client. Once the testing has been done, the cloud is relinquished. 

What is robotic process automation?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) uses automation technologies for mimicking back-office human tasks like filling in foams, extracting data, moving files etc. 

Just like humans, software robots are able to do things like recognise what is on the screen, navigate systems, complete the correct keystrokes, recognise and extract data, and perform various defined actions. 

Implementation of RPIs in various business processes has made way simpler. RPI software bots are able to interact with any system or application in the same way that humans do. 

RPA combines APIs along with user interface (UI) interactions for integrating and performing repetitive tasks. By creating scripts which match human tasks, RPA tools finish the autonomous execution of several activities and transactions. 

Employing RPA in businesses streamlines the workflow, making organisations more flexible, profitable and responsive. It also enhances employee engagement, satisfaction and productivity. 

RPAs are ideal for automating workflows, including legacy systems lacking database access, APIs and virtual desktop infrastructures (VDIs).

There are many advantages of implementing robotic process automation, such as:

  • Significant cost reduction
  • Empowers employees
  • Allows better operational and business control
  • Ensure better analytics 
  • Complex processes are made simpler and more flexible

Implementation of robotic process automation in businesses 

RPA implementation in business processes has completely revolutionised the business world. Here we will talk about how RPAs can be implemented in various business operations: 

Define the problem or opportunity 

The initial step for RPA implementation is to clearly define the problem or opportunity of the business which the companies want RPA to address. Clearly stating what needs to be done helps better understand the processes that need to be automated. 

Deciding which processes can be automated

Not all business processes can be automated. Some processes are ideal for human execution for the nature and complexity of the process. Hence, companies must closely examine the business processes and recognise the tasks best suited for automation. 

Check the feasibility of automation.

Automation of a complex process having several data requirements is usually challenging. Neither is the automation of a process with a concern about compliance. 

Create a business case for the processes.

This is done to justify why automating the process is the right idea from a cost-benefit point of view. For this, leaders must estimate the costs of implementing RPA and the advantages of automating the task. 

Create an implementation plan. 

This is done to recognise how and when RPA will be deployed in a company. Developing a detailed implementation plan will ensure the business's smooth and successful running of RPA. 


With the advancement of technology, businesses are also taking advantage of it to simplify business processes faster and cheaper. Implementing cloud computing and robotic process automation has made various business processes much easier. 

If you want to build a career in the field of technology, check out Imarticus's PGDM in FinTech course. This is a two-year course taught by some of the leading industry professionals. 

The FinTech industry is rapidly growing, and with the PGDM in FinTech course, you can make a mark in the field. 

Enrol with Imarticus to learn more!

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