CEO Tales: The Urban Dictionary of Leadership and Development Courses

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CEO Tales: The Urban Dictionary of Leadership and Development Courses

Ironically, even as technology makes humans redundant, their talent pools provide a competitive edge for organisations. The quality of the leadership and the talent pool differentiate a firm from the competition.

Humans will continue to drive business success, and technology will serve to amplify human capabilities for the firm to realise non-linear growth. Businesses understand the salience of leadership. The real challenge for companies lies in equipping the leaders and the workforce to deliver on their responsibilities.

Recently, PwC undertook a survey to ascertain what organisations believed would be required to steer India’s workforce in 2030. The survey found that 64% of organisations felt that continuously building organisational capabilities would be the single most significant contribution required of the organisation’s leaders. Increasingly, differentiating human capabilities will be central to the CEO’s agenda.

Leadership and Organisational Development for Business Success

Leadership and development courses serve to enable organisations to build organisational capability. When done right, these courses deliver significant business impact. The leadership development courses help deliver business impact through:

Attracting and Retaining Talent.Leadership and organisational development courses enhance employee engagement, help in reskilling/upskilling the workforce, and reduces employee turnover. Top employees look to organisations to provide them with opportunities for professional development. A 2016 Gallup report found that 87% of millennials said that development courses in the workplace were vital for them. 59% of millennials said that the availability of learning opportunities was an important factor in applying for a job.

When firms invest in employees, they signal that they value them, resulting in reduced employee turnover. It is significantly less expensive to provide leadership team training to existing talent than to hire, onboard, and train fresh talent.

leadership training programs

Top talent is also drawn to an organisation by the presence of good leaders. Leadership development courses, therefore, serve the dual purpose of improved performance of the leaders themselves and the accompanying benefit of top talent being attracted to the organisation - both of which enhance organisational performance.

Improved Financial Performance. Companies that invest in people development perform better. Focusing on reskilling/upskilling enables companies to realise a 14%-29% increasein profits. Equipping employees to serve better helps the organisation to get the best out of its employees. Leadership development training empowers employees professionally and helps organisations realise improved financial performance.

Enhances Ability to Manage Change.Leadership development equips people to deal capably with disruptive changes in the workplace. Leadership development unlocks people's potential and enhances the organisation's agility in managing change. 

Improved Customer Service and Satisfaction. Customers look up to employees to provide expert information on the product or service they buy. Employees need to be knowledgeable to meet customer expectations. Leadership and development courses equip employees to handle customer queries competently, increasing customer trust and enhancing customer satisfaction. 

Improved Strategy Execution. Leadership development courses are designed to align with business strategy closely, and the courses equip employees with the ability to implement the strategy. Effective execution is key to sustained business success. 

Mitigates Risk from Untrained Employees. Leadership and development courses also include compliance training and training for workplace safety. Employee training helps the workforce to maintain a safe work environment. A safe workplace enables people to work better and obviates the risk of legal action for non-compliance with workplace safety regulations.

Final Thoughts

Although the future always presents some uncertainties, it is clear that people will need to perform differently to build an organisation of consequence. Leadership development courses help develop the organisation ecosystem with critical capabilities for the future to build organisations that endure.

Imarticus Learning can be an ideal partner for your organisation's learning needs.

We partner with businesses in identifying the leaders of tomorrow and then help them build on their capabilities to gain a competitive edge. To know more, please get in touch with us here.

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