Can You Integrate AIML with Android App?

Last updated on September 7th, 2021 at 06:56 am


Artificial Intelligence has quickly become one of the most important fields to humanity today. The subject of an increased amount of research, AI is currently one of the few fields which are soaring with no end in sight today. It can be said that the very future of humankind now depends upon AI, and how it develops in the future – such is the reach of Artificial Intelligence in the modern world.

With such a rapid rise in the field of AI, there is no doubt that the demand for talented people in the field is higher than ever. If you want a career which is challenging yet satisfying, Artificial Intelligence is definitely one of the best options. However, you should start learning more about AI quickly, and what better way to put your skills into test than building a chatbot?

Chatbots are one of the latest sensations sweeping over AI practitioners. Chatbots are now increasingly becoming a part of most companies, and most of the internet users have already interacted with a chatbot in some form or other. Being an AI aficionado or a prospective practitioner, you can surely try to build a chatbot from scratch in order to gain some practice in Artificial Intelligence. A conversational assistant is a challenge to create because it has to give a new answer to the same questions and learn from the answers of the user, too. You can build simple chatbots with ease, and port it into android apps too, in many ways.

AIML was one such language which was used in the development of early chatbots.

What is AIML?

Artificial Intelligence Markup Language or AIML was created by Dr Richard Wallace and is currently offered as an open source framework for developing chatbots. It is offered by the ALICE AI Foundation so that users can create intelligent chatbots for their use from scratch. AIML is an extremely simple XML, just like HyperText Markup Language or HTML.

It contains a lot of standard tags and tags which are extensible, which you use in order to mark the text so that the interpreter which runs in the background understands the text you have scripted.

Steps to Integrate Chatbots into Android Apps

The steps covered here are not comprehensive in any way, but only an outline which you can follow in order to make what you want. These do not contain any codes, because that would defeat the purpose of creating an android app chatbot from scratch.

However, you can always skip the parts you are uninterested in, like the design aspects of the app and the likes.

The first step is to create a chat UI and interface using Android Studio. Using XML, you can do this with only a basic understanding of the language. It should have an adapter too, for the different view types.

The, import the AIML files that you have written beforehand to your app. Then, the task you have is to modify the in such a way so as to include the class Bot in it.

Obviously, there is a lot of coding involved if you want to build the bot from scratch. However, integration is definitely possible, too. If you find yourself interested in learning more, you should check out the artificial intelligence courses in India on offer at Imarticus Learning.

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