Business Process Optimisation: How to Improve Operations and Management?

global senior management programme

Last updated on April 2nd, 2024 at 07:06 am

A business process is a series of connected tasks within an organisation that aims to achieve a specific goal or produce a desired output. It involves performing steps in a particular order to transform inputs into valuable outputs. Business processes are crucial for an organisation's functioning and growth, ranging from simple tasks to complex workflows that involve multiple departments.

global senior leadership programmeIf you want to become an influential leader and know how to improve the process of a business then you have stumbled across the right read. Keep on reading to learn more about how to optimise business processes, operations and management.

What a Business Process Entails

A business process in the most simple of definitions is a set of sequential tasks which when performed creates value. Below are the components of a business process:


Inputs are basically the resources that necessitate the initiation and execution of the process. Inputs can vary depending on the nature of the process. Let's say that you own a construction company. Your inputs may include raw materials, tools, and other technology that is used in the construction process.


These are the individual tasks or steps that need to be performed within the process. Activities contribute to achieving the overall objective of the process. It may involve multiple participants or roles within the business. 

For example, in the customer service process, activities can involve answering customer inquiries, resolving complaints, and providing product support.


The activities are organised and connected in a logical sequence or flow. This ensures that the process moves smoothly from one step to another, with dependencies and relationships between activities being properly managed. 

Let’s take an example of a dropshipping business. The flow can include receiving an order, processing it, picking the items from inventory, packing them, and shipping them to the customer.


Controls are the mechanisms that are put in place. These mechanisms ensure that the process is executed accurately and efficiently. They include rules, guidelines, policies, quality checks, and approval mechanisms that govern how the process is carried out.

So in a financial business, controls can involve verifying and approving expense reports, purchase orders, or budget requests according to predefined rules and policies.


The outputs of a business process are the results or outcomes that are generated by completing the activities. These outputs can be tangible or intangible, and they should align with the goals and objectives of the process and the organisation.

If you own a marketing business, then the outputs can include increased brand awareness, lead generation, and customer conversions resulting from the campaign.

How to Improve Business Operations

Improving business operations is an ongoing effort. It involves identifying areas for improvement and implementing strategies to optimise efficiency, productivity, and overall performance. Here are a few ways through which you can improve business operations:

Identify the areas where you can improve

To identify areas for improvement, assess your current operations. Look for inefficiencies, bottlenecks, or challenges. Analyse processes, gather feedback from employees and customers, and conduct performance evaluations.

Set your goals

Define specific and measurable objectives for operational improvements. Align these objectives with your business goals. Address the identified areas for improvement.

Some common examples of objectives can be increasing your production efficiency. You can target this by reducing the average processing time by 20% within the next quarter. Or, improving customer satisfaction ratings by achieving a minimum of 90% positive feedback within six months.

Invest in technology

Technology plays a big part in improving a business’s operations. Evaluate and invest in suitable solutions that streamline operations, enhance collaboration, and improve data management. This may involve implementing project management software, CRM systems, or ERP systems.

Measure the performance

Implement metrics and KPIs to measure operational improvements. Regularly monitor and analyse data. Identify trends, track progress, and make data-driven decisions. Enhance operations based on findings, and try to better the areas your business lacks.

Use your customer’s feedback

Gather feedback from customers to understand their expectations, pain points, and areas for improvement. Use this feedback to tailor your operations to better meet customer needs and enhance their experience. Customer satisfaction is the backbone of any business.

How to Improve Business Management

Improving business management involves enhancing leadership, and overall organisational effectiveness. Here are a few pointers to do so:

Improve communication

Foster open communication between managers and employees, as well as among teams and departments. Encourage active listening and clear instructions. Promote regular feedback and information sharing. Closing the communication bridge is beneficial for the growth of every business.

Offer professional development

Offer training programs, workshops, and learning opportunities. Encourage skill enhancement and knowledge growth. Foster employee ownership of professional development. This will let your employees upskill themselves, and be a better asset to your company.

Create an environment for innovation and creativity

Encourage managers and employees to think creatively, and experiment with new ideas. Let them propose new solutions to challenges. Embrace calculated risks and view failure as a learning opportunity for your company’s employees.


Mastering business process optimisation is key to making your business thrive in the long run. Even if you have the best product in the market and the most skilled employees in their domain, it is highly unlikely that your business will increase the revenue it generates without a proper business process.

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