Understanding the Need for Data Science in Everyday Life

Data Science Course

Data science has an all-pervading role in our everyday lives. Data science has become an inextricable part of common people's lives, from predicting texts on our Google search to predicting our show preferences on OTT platforms.

Data science is an interdisciplinary field combining mathematical and statistical methods and other disciplines like specialised programming, advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning to derive meaningful insights from an organisation’s data.

Data Science Course

The derived insights are utilised in strategic planning to make informed decisions. Due to the increasing growth of data sources, data science and machine learning courses have become rapidly expanding disciplines in several industries. 

This article will walk through our daily needs for data science and how it benefits us.

Why do we need data science?

Data science has become an increasingly crucial discipline in almost every business sector, operation, and strategy. The benefits of using data science are several. 

  • It offers valuable and deep customer insights, allowing companies to develop strong marketing campaigns and targeted advertising. It ultimately leads to increased product sales. 
  • Data science can help manage financial risks, detect fraudulent transactions, and prevent equipment crash-downs in industrial settings. Additionally, it is employed to defend IT systems from potential cyber attacks and threats. 
  • From an SCM perspective, data science initiatives can significantly optimise customer services, product inventories, and distribution networks. It also leads to increased efficiency and lower costs. 
  • Data science lets companies create informed business plans and strategise by analysing customer behaviour, market trends, and competition. It has proven to be a key tool in areas beyond everyday business operations. It is used in pharmaceuticals and healthcare for medical diagnosis and other research. 
  • Academic institutions monitor student performance by leveraging data science. Data science also helps sports teams to analyse player performance. Government agencies and public policy organisations also greatly benefit from the data-driven decision-making features of data science.

Most industries depend upon data science to improve operations, cut costs, and make informed decisions based on data-driven insights. 

What are the various stages and their utility in Data Science?

Data science has become an important facet of our daily lives. It enables analysts to draw actionable insights by undertaking a set of stages in its lifecycle. The lifecycle of data science usually follows several tools, roles, and processes, which are crucial for efficiently managing data.

  • Stage 1 - It includes data ingestion. It involves gathering raw structured as well as unstructured data across several relevant sources. Different methods are utilised, such as manual entry and real time data streaming across devices and systems.

The data sources involve structured data which includes customer data and also unstructured data, such as audio, video, pictures, etc.

  • Stage 2 - Data storage alongwith processing are the key components of this stage. It is important to handle data efficiently. Companies must consider various storage systems which are centred on the data type required for capturing due to variations in data formats. The data management team is pivotal in setting standards of data storage as well as data structures. 

It facilitates workflow around machine learning methods. This stage involves data cleaning, transforming, duplicating and also combining data utilising the ETL (extract, transform, load) jobs. Preparation of data is necessary to promote data quality prior to loading data into a warehouse, or any other repository.

  • Stage 3 - This stage comprises data analysis. In this stage data scientists carry out an investigative data analysis to speculate biases, ranges, and value distributions inside the data. In such exploration of data analytics, generation of hypothesis for a/b testing is carried out. 

It even lets analysts to speculate the relevance of data for predictive analysis, deep learning and machine learning. Whether organisations rely on these conclusions for commercial decision-making depends on the model's accuracy. This ultimately allows them to generate more scalability.

  • Stage 4 - This is the last stage of data science which includes communicating the insights comprehensively to business analysts and various commercial decision-makers. This stage includes casting insights as reports and as other data visualisations. Programming languages of data science like Python or R involve several components for developing visualisations.


Data science has revolutionised the business world and our daily lives. It offers numerous advantages, such as predictive analysis, data analysis, cyber security protection, quick reporting, and so on. However, certain challenges remain, such as susceptibility to bias and discrimination and vulnerability to security threats. 

If you want to choose a career in data science, opt for a data science and machine learning course. Check out Imarticus Learning’s Certificate Program in Data Scienceand Machine Learning, created in collaboration with IIT Roorkee to learn about data science and specialise in machine learning. With this course, you can become a professional in data science and even get mentorship to launch your entrepreneurial dream. Visit Imarticus online to get course-related details today!

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