How to pick from myriads of online AI courses

Last updated on April 6th, 2024 at 06:55 pm

As natives of the advanced technological world, we should be aware of all its essential as well as developing features. Adapting to the constant tech-upgrade is very crucial for a smooth transition of lifestyle. Artificial Intelligence is one of the most innovative technologies that has been created to influence our lives. To provide us with better security and comfort, AI has surely changed our lives. This is why it is important for developers and designers to take the AI and Machine Learning course, which will help them understand this concept better.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

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Artificial Intelligence constitutes sets of algorithms which can read data activities and generate efficient automated results. They do not need human interference, inputs or any manipulation. Unlike before, where even a calculation from a calculator was considered to be a feature of AI, it has a different meaning now. It is divided into three parts. They are:

Artificial General Intelligence

It is one of the strongest AI categories. Most people are familiar with this feature of AI. It impersonates the human level of intelligence. Various smartphones have the characteristics of speech recognition, face recognition, etc. That is done by AI. Although it has been well-developed, there are a lot of things that still need more updates here.

Artificial Narrow Intelligence

It is considered to be weaker among the three categories. It mostly focuses on the completion of tasks and fulfilling their purpose. Features such as Alexa, Siri, etc., that are present in various electronic devices are a part of this AI category. Machine learning is important to carry out these functions. It caters to providing solutions to problems one at a time. 

Artificial Super Intelligence

This category is more attributed to future achievements. When machines and robots will be able to have emotions, express their opinions, do art, perform sports, etc. This category allows space for innovation and development.

Things That You Must Keep in Mind While Selecting the Right AI Online Course

  • Knowledge of Data Engineering

An Artificial Intelligence course and a Machine Learning course go hand in hand. In order to learn data engineering, you must be well accustomed to Machine Learning. This skill is crucial as it allows developers to store and pre-process raw data. In order to process any website or server tasks the operator needs to have various commands ready for the next step. When a customer clicks on the purchase tab, a new set of data is generated. The process of Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) takes place, which is crucial to access further steps. While learning about data engineering, you need to have a great understanding of statistics, analytics, predictions, commands, etc. 

  • Programming languages

In order to comprehend and make changes in the system, you need to have the right knowledge of the language of machine learning. Programming languages will help you input commands that are comprehended by the machine and then carried out as per your direction. Following is the list of programming languages that you should be learning. (It is not compulsory to learn them all but a few essential ones must be well understood.)

  1. Python
  2. Scala
  3. Java
  4. C++
  5. JavaScript
  6. Go
  7. Ruby
  8. Clojure
  9. Erlang
  10. Perl
  • Understanding of Data Analysis

As an Artificial Intelligence learner, it is crucial for you to have a good understanding of data analysis. Since you will be surrounded by huge loads of data sets, you need to know how to dissect and analyse them. It will help you observe different patterns of data used as well as help in the identification of anomalies which will in turn help to analyse hypotheses. You should be able to do the following:

  1. Be able to calculate data that are presented in rows and columns. You should be able to calculate the minimum and maximum values, overall percentage, column mean and standard deviation. 
  2. Be able to erase unnecessary outliners from the data as well as any correlatable variables.
  3. Be able to create graphs for a better visual representation of the data.
  • Ability to execute Data Modelling

It is important for you to learn Machine Learning algorithms in your AI and Machine Learning course. Knowing about your machine’s ability to create algorithms is just one part of the process. You need to be able to use it and create data models for accurate executions.

If your data sets have a series of inputs and outputs, you need to create a data model which defines the relationship between the two. If your data entry only consists of inputs then you need to identify the existing pattern used in it and categorise it under a group of similarities and dissimilarities. Therefore, you need to be quite familiar with all the machine learning algorithms. 


It is a hectic task to find the perfect place where you can put your trust in for being trained at your utmost abilities. While searching for the perfect course to learn Artificial Intelligence you must be thinking of an IIT AI ML course but we have better options for you. Imarticus offers the best certification in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for your data science career. You should put your faith in these experienced professionals. 

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