Artificial Intelligence Can Assist To Fight Against The CoronaVirus!

artificial intelligence and machine learning courses

Fear and panic like the coronavirus (known as "2019-nCov" or "Covid-19") has spread across the globe. Covid-19 claimed 33,993 lives and resulted in more than 723,279 documented cases of infected people in 192 countries.

The new coronavirus pandemic has swept the world. This has caused a stir in the socio-economic landscape of various countries.

According to reports from 195, COVID-19 has infected 192 countries worldwide. While the death toll is rising in other countries such as Italy, China is recovering from the Wuhan virus and no new domestic cases have been reported recently since the outbreak.

But how will China recover while others are plunged into unhealthy chaos? The answer is artificial intelligence and other significant destructive technologies. The country is using AI, big data, as a mechanism to fight the coronavirus.

Tech giants such as Baidu and Alibaba are leading innovative initiatives to tackle the crisis. In addition to China, AI-based medical technology and startups from various regions, including the United States, with their innovations to combat the pandemic situation will come to the fore.

Countries around the world - including the United States, South Korea and Taiwan - are using artificial intelligence (AI) to slow the spread of COVID-19. The technology will be used to accelerate the development of test and treatment kits, track the spread of the virus, and provide real-time information to citizens.

Artificial intelligence training and applied science are making it easier, faster and cheaper to understand how viruses spread, how to control them, and how to control their devastating effects.
1. AI can predict epidemics.
Artificial intelligence, better known as AI, can warn of an impending epidemic and give us plenty of time to prepare.

In the future, A.I. It can even use social media data to predict human behavior and potential breakouts.

2. AI Can accelerate drug discovery and development.
Not only can AI warn us of impending epidemics, it can help us identify, develop, and scale new treatments and vaccines faster than ever.

“The potential for AI to accelerate detection of vaccines, drugs and diagnostics is enormous, especially with rapidly mutating RNA viruses such as Covid, which require a broad spectrum approach.”

3. AI Can help minimize mortality and optimize disease management

Lastly, AI can help manage outbreaks and minimize deaths by reducing the burden on healthcare professionals and reminding patients of appropriate treatment procedures.

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