13 Things About Interview Preparations You May Not Have Known

Last updated on June 13th, 2022 at 10:12 am

Finally, your diligence has paid off, and you have now landed an interview. Going for an interview can be quite nerve-wracking and stressful.  While there are a plethora of things that can go wrong like a limp, awkward handshake to having to answer a question you have no clue about, however, there are definitely few things that you can control with a bit of preparation on your end. Here are 13 things about interview preparations you may not have known about but can surely help you to ace the interview.

  • Pick an outfit

How you dress is quite a crucial part of preparing for your interview. A smart and well-fitted outfit makes the first impression when you walk in for the meeting. Get it properly cleaned and pressed, pair it with proper shoes and accessories. Out Tip: Try it out to see it fits you well, and you look smart and presentable in it.

  • Learn and study your resume well

All your interviewer has is your resume to know you so it is a fair game that they can ask you to elaborate on any of the jobs that you have listed in it. Even if it is something you might have held a long time back, you should be ready to talk about when asked. If it is in the resume be well prepared to explain the job you did, your responsibility and any other questions related to it, and it’s a step you cannot avoid.

  • Print Multiple Copies of Your Resume

Never take a single copy of your resume, instead take multiple copies so that you can hand it to every only person who is interviewing you.  Also, it is recommended that a copy of your resume be kept in front of you as it can be used as a cheat sheet for you to answer some behavioural questions.

  • Bullet Points to behavioural questions

You might be asked behavioural questions by your interviewer, to ensure that you do not stumble while answering make points of five to seven essential things you want to address. It is advisable that you don’t look into a piece of paper to answer your interviewer. But in case you get stuck do refer to the pointers.

  • Practice aloud

Not many do these but practice some general questions aloud so that you can modulate your voice. You would not want to be too loud or too soft for your interviewers.

  • Carry a notebook and pen

One of the essential parts of preparing for an interview is to carry a couple of pens and a laptop. This establishes your desire to perform and your sincerity.

  • In-depth research of the company

While preparing for the interview learn about the company in details. The sector that the company represents how it fits into the market and the company’s mission and vision. This will help you to align your answers to the question asked in the interview with the company’s profile.

  • Think of an intelligent question

While you are studying the company profile and your job description in details if you are unsure about anything make some points. You can bring up those points and ask your interviewer questions related to them. When you ask intelligent questions, it represents that effort has been made by you to prepare for the interview.

  • Know the type of interview

Talk to your recruiter if it is not already mentioned when you applied for the job about the kind of conversation you would be part of. Do not assume that it will be one-on-one; since there are group discussions and behavioural interviews that a firm can conduct.

  • Know the direction of the venue

Even if you have a GPS print out the instructions to the site, because you never know when your internet might fail to work. Study the flow of traffic you might face during the day and area when your interview has been scheduled. Do have the phone number of the contact person of the company in case you are lost or late. You should always be on time, do not be more than 10 minutes early, as your interviewer might not be ready.

  • Do not use certain words

It’s a big no to use phrases like ‘I am nervous’ instead say I am excited. Instead of ‘I don’t know’ use the phrase, “I am not sure of the answer, or I need to learn about it’. Never say‘I don’t’ have a question’ rather you can ask ‘ What is the biggest challenge of working in this industry’ or some open-ended question that is based on what you observed and learned about the interviewer or the company. Instead of using a word like ‘um…’ when not sure about our reply, and you need some time to think, say ‘ That’s an interesting question.’

  • Carry Some Gums or Mints

The last thing you would want is your interviewer to breathe in some pungent odour from your mouth. A fresh smell is always recommended; so keep some gums or mints that you can use before entering the interview.

  • Keep the basic hygiene items

No matter what the venue of the interview is, keep the essential hygiene items with you like tissues, hand sanitizer, lotion, chapstick and any small things that give you confidence. Remember to pack them in the bag you will be carrying to the interview.

At an interview be sure to be articulate and natural with your answers. A well-prepared discussion will give you a better chance of securing the job than the others. As said by some experts it is important to remember the 5Ps for preparing for an interview: Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

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