12 Proven Tips For Mastering Executive Management Training

12 Proven Tips For Mastering Executive Management Training

In the post-pandemic world, executive management training has undergone a paradigm shift. Phenomena such as the Great Resignation, the transition to remote work, and the acceleration of digital transformation have made businesses focus on developing a leadership pipeline that is prepared to lead in uncertain times. Equipping executives with 21st-century leadership skills and the tools to navigate uncertain times will prepare businesses to remain sustainable in the face of eventualities as well as black swan events. Here are 12 aspects that should constitute superior executive management training for this brave new world:

Have a hyper-customised curriculum: Every business has unique needs. Hence, executive management training must be carefully curated to power the future leadership pipeline of an organisation based on its specific needs. Organisations must dive deeper into leadership gaps before arriving at a curriculum for the training to be effective.

Identify and impart core skills: Core leadership skill requirements have evolved profoundly during the pandemic. Being prepared for uncertain times is a critical focus area. Today, leading with the ability to inspire trust ranks high on the leadership skill hierarchy.

Foster engaged learning: Access to social media and superior apps have raised professional expectations regarding how to engage with knowledge and learning. Hence, a blend of video lessons and live sessions can boost interest in executive management training.

online learning

Allow for mobile-first learning: Research indicates that busy professionals are likelier to learn when they can show up via their mobile phones. A mobile-first leadership management program is more likely to drive results.

Possess high expert credibility: The stakes are always higher in leadership development courses. The learners in such courses have limited time and mental space. Hence, organisations must partner with executive training experts with stellar credentials and a proven track record of transformative leadership training.

Prioritise mentorship: Mentorship is instrumental in nurturing effective leadership by offering career guidance and psychosocial support. A leadership management program must consider how mentorship can become an ongoing process for the leadership cadre.

Introduce change leadership: With the accelerated pace at which technology influences businesses, it's easy for change fatigue to set in. Tomorrow's leaders must be equipped with a framework to exercise change leadership during periods of disruption and uncertainty as well as growth, or else companies risk falling behind the curve.

Emphasise tech-centricity: Leaders must develop a mindset to embrace technology and automate repetitive tasks. This creates space for team members to focus on driving core business objectives. Resistance to embracing technology can become a roadblock for thriving businesses, making them prone to losing their competitive edge.

Prioritise core tech modules: Leaders must have exposure to the leading technologies impacting their businesses. They must develop a working knowledge of how technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and blockchain can be leveraged via dedicated tech-focused modules.

Nurture empathy and the power of listening: Empathy has been identified as a core aspect of 21st-century leadership. High-impact training must weave in modules that foster empathy and listening skills in future leaders.

Make training an ongoing journey: A leadership management program must have continuity, making learning an ongoing process. There must also be success metrics that make the learning measurable. Without measurability, it is difficult to factor in the evolving needs of the business and develop the training program accordingly.

Identify training needs: A superior leader must be able to identify the training needs of the reporting teams based on the learning and skill gaps. This is an additional skill that leadership development courses must inculcate so that the leadership training percolates to all team members, not just the elite few.

The takeaway

Future generations of leaders must continuously adapt to the demands of a business world highly influenced by technology, a volatile supply chain, and higher employee expectations. A well-crafted executive management training program will nurture a pipeline of leaders with empathy, tech-centricity, and an evolved management mindset that will inspire trust in team members and stakeholders (investors and clients) alike.

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