The Impact of Technology on Management Practices

bba in business analytics training program

Last updated on April 2nd, 2024 at 05:02 am

For a business, the most important thing is to achieve success. And in order to accomplish that, they must follow a set of management practices. This not only aligns the tasks of the organisation but also oversees all the aspects of the business to form strategic decisions. Further, these decisions help in driving success to the organisation. 

bba in business analytics course

There are several management practices, like establishing quality control and providing adequate training to employees. These practices have a huge role to play in getting the company’s employees to achieve their target with the given resources. But as we know, with time, technologies have advanced greatly. And like any other realm of human existence, it has highly impacted management practices. 

Here, we will discuss different management practices and the role of technology in impacting them. To understand concepts like these in-depth, one can also go for a BBA in business analytics or an online BBA course.

Different Business Management Practices

The management of an organization is responsible for the well-being of its employees, as well as its stakeholders. Thus, business management practices are of immense importance. Below are some useful management practices that should be applied in every organization.


It’s essential for every organization to have a clear chain of communication with its employees. This practice helps the company communicate its goals and expectations to the staff and make them understand their roles that fit in the business strategy. 

Assessing Operations of Business

Improving a business and meeting success isn’t an overnight thing. It needs a constant effort from everyone associated with it. Thus, close attention should be paid to every detail of the business. And to do this, an assessment of business operations with the right tools and practices on a regular basis is needed. 

Strategic Planning

Far-sightedness is crucial when one aims for a successful business. That being said, strategic planning is one of the most important practices of an organisation aiming to yield some long-term benefits. Here, quantitative data can be used for making informed decisions. According to the collected data, training can also be reshaped for better results in the future. 

Engagement of Employees

The management practices also include the job of engaging the employees to solve problems, take initiative, and come up with innovative ideas. All these can be done only if the employees and passionate about their job which will happen once they’re aligned with the company’s vision. Also, studies have found that companies with high employee engagement and more profitable. 

Open Management Style

Developing a culture where your employees feel free to come up to you with their ideas and queries gives a boost to the overall functioning of the organisation. Open management style also projects the management as a helping hand for the employees rather than an enforcer. Thus, it empowers the employees and makes them feel an important part of the organisation. 

Impact of Technology on Management Practices

Technology can easily create a huge impact for betterment in any space if used judiciously. Thus, there are plenty of enhancements in management practices with the use of the latest technologies. Some of the crucial impacts are listed below. 

Enhances Decision Making 

One of the most important roles of a manager is to come up with effective plans and decisions. To survive in this competitive environment, one must have the latest technologies with them to collect accurate data at an improved speed. This will then faster the decision-making process with more efficiency. Technology also helps in accessing these data to draw a precise conclusion that will assist the business in being on track to meet its goals. 

Employee Collaboration

With time and the advancement in technology, our lifestyle has completely changed. One major impact is also seen in the way people communicate or collaborate with each other. Especially in the professional setup, collaboration in former conference rooms has changed to video conferencing, allowing them to communicate and share their ideas in the blink of an from where ever they are. To enhance the quality of work along with building a culture in the organisation, some real-time collaboration tools like cloud-based file sharing are essential. 

Efficiency in Operational Tasks

There are many tasks in a workplace that needs to be done on a daily basis or are repetitive in some sense. This needs to be done manually and ends up taking a lot of time for the employees. But with the right technology, one can transform this old setup, saving the time of employees from doing time-consuming and repetitive tasks. Further, they can engage themselves elsewhere without sticking to inefficient manual tasks. 

Management of Business Information

Along with building a business comes the responsibility of managing its confidential information. Thus, it becomes the utmost priority of the management to have a structured and efficient way of managing those documents and contents. And to help the management in doing so comes cutting-edge technology at the rescue. 

Digital Transformation

Be it any kind of business, one needs to keep up with technological advancements and grow alongside social trends to attain success. This means that businesses must transform themselves digitally to survive in the competitive surrounding. 

To do this, there must be a good digital strategy that can be planned only after identifying the gaps present in the organisation. After finding it out, the business should look for suitable technologies and out the transformation one step at a time.


Managerial practices are important for the smooth processing of all the workings of an organisation. It keeps a regular check on various activities of different departments and thus, plans out strategies for their best. To further enhance this process, new-age technologies can be a great boon. Be it security, or communication, there are hi-tech innovations to assist in every possible domain of an organization. 

Thus, it is advisable for any fresher or an existing professional to upgrade themselves with a recently crafted online BBA course that will educate them about the application of the latest technologies in management practices.  

For in-depth knowledge on this, one can enrol for BBA in Business Analytics that empower future business leaders. Here, you will get hands-on experience with new-age tools that will enhance your management skills even more. 

Visit Imarticus Learning to know more about business analytics.

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