Recommender Systems Explained: Insights into Functionality & Importance

Recommender Systems

Last updated on October 4th, 2024 at 08:59 am

Ever wondered how streaming services know what you want to watch next? Or how online shops suggest products that are just what you’re looking for? It’s all down to recommender systems.

In this blog, we’ll get into the nitty gritty of these systems. We will look at how they work, the different types that exist, and some of the challenges that have been observed with these systems. Join us as we lift the veil from these tools.

What are Recommendation Systems?

Think about a personal assistant who knows you better than you do. That’s what a recommendation system is. These clever algorithms use data about your past behaviour —your purchases, clicks, or ratings, to predict what you’ll like in the future.

For example, when you use a streaming service like Netflix or Amazon Prime Video, the platforms suggest TV shows or movies based on your watch history. If you’ve watched a lot of sci-fi films, it might recommend other sci-fi movies or shows you haven’t seen yet. 

Similarly, online stores like Amazon and Flipkart use recommendation systems to suggest products you might be interested in based on your previous purchases or browsing behaviour. 

As summed, a recommendation system machine learning model is a must for learners who want to work with these tools. To learn how to build these systems, consider opting for AI learning courses that focus on these areas.

How Recommender Systems Work?

Recommender systems use a combination of techniques to provide personalised recommendations. Here’s a simplified breakdown of the process:

  1. Data Collection

  • User data: Gather information about users including their preferences, demographics, purchase history, and interactions with items (e.g. ratings, clicks).
  • Item data: Collect information about items like their attributes, descriptions, and relationships to other items.
  1. Data Preprocessing

  • Cleaning: Remove noise, inconsistencies, or missing data from the collected information.
  • Normalisation: Scale numerical data to a common range so that everything is comparable.
  • Feature extraction: Extract relevant features from the data that can be used for prediction.
  1. Model Building

  • Choose algorithm: Select an algorithm based on the type of data and the type of recommendation you want (e.g. collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, hybrid).
  • Training: Train the algorithm on the prepared data to learn patterns and relationships between users and items.
  1. Recommendation Generation

  • User input: Get input from a user like their preferences or previous interactions.
  • Prediction: Use the trained model to predict the items the user will like.
  • Ranking: Rank the predicted items based on their relevance to the user.
  • Recommendation: Show the top-ranked items as recommendations to the user.
  1. Evaluation

  • Metrics: Measure the performance of the recommendation system using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.
  • Feedback: Collect feedback from users to improve the system’s accuracy and relevance over time.

Types of Recommendation Systems

Recommendation systems can be broadly categorised into two main types:

1. Collaborative Filtering

  • User-based: Recommends items to a user based on what similar users like. For example, if you like a movie, the system will recommend other movies liked by users who liked that movie.
  • Item-based collaborative filtering: This recommends items to you based on items you’ve liked. For instance, if you bought a certain book, the system might recommend other books with similar themes or genres.

2. Content-based Recommendation System

This recommends items to you based on items you’ve interacted with before. It looks at the content of items (e.g. keywords, tags, features) and recommends items with similar characteristics. For instance, if you listen to a lot of rock music, a content-based filter might recommend other rock songs or bands.

3. Hybrid Approaches

In practice, many recommendation systems combine collaborative and content-based filtering elements to get better results. This hybrid approach can use the strengths of both methods to get more accurate and diverse recommendations.

Recorded Challenges in Recommender Systems

Despite being one of the most interesting projects in machine learning, these systems are powerful but face several challenges.

  • Data sparsity: Often there is limited data for many users or items and it’s tough to predict preferences.
  • Cold-start: When new users or items are added, the system doesn’t have enough data to give meaningful recommendations.
  • Scalability: These systems have to handle large datasets and give recommendations in real time which can be computationally expensive.
  • Serendipity: While personalisation is important, systems should also introduce users to new and unexpected items they might like.
  • Ethical issues: Recommender systems can amplify biases in the data and give unfair or discriminatory recommendations.
  • Privacy: Collecting and using personal data raises privacy concerns and systems must be designed to protect user information.
  • Changing user preferences: User preferences change over time and these systems must adapt to these changing tastes.
  • System Complexity: Implementing and maintaining these systems is complex and requires expertise in machine learning, data engineering, and user experience design.


Think of recommender systems as a starting point, a launching pad for your next online adventure. So the next time you see a recommendation that piques your interest, explore it! If something is way off, well, that’s valuable feedback too.

Remember that by interacting with these systems you’re helping them learn and improve. Speaking of which, the Executive Program in AI for Business by IIM extends an opportunity to learn through a plethora of practical applications. Register now! Registrations close soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do recommender systems know my preferences?

These systems use your past behaviour, like what you’ve bought, clicked or rated to predict what you might like in the future. They look at patterns in your data to see what other items you’ve interacted with.

Can recommender systems be biased?

These systems can be biased if the data they are trained on is biased. For example, if the dataset is mostly about a certain demographic group, the system will recommend items that are more relevant to that group.

How can I improve the accuracy of recommendations?

You can get better recommendations by giving the system more data about your preferences, interacting with the system more often and giving feedback on recommendations.

What are some real-life applications of recommender systems?

Recommender systems are used in a variety of industries, including e-commerce, entertainment, social media, and education. For example, they are used to suggest products on online shopping platforms, movies on streaming services, friends on social media, and educational resources on online learning platforms.

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