QA Automation Testing Certification Training: Meaning and Benefits

Future Of Corporate Training

Last updated on September 12th, 2023 at 01:55 pm

If your company is experiencing trouble in its software development process, it's most likely due to its overreliance on manual testing. That's the reason why companies are turning to QA automation testing. But what is Quality Assurance automation? How can a QA automation testing certification benefit your organisation?

Read this article to find out.

What is QA automation testing?

QA automation testing is the process of developing automation test scripts to run on the software of applications. This is done with the help of automation tools. The QA automation tools conduct repetitive software testing, which was once performed by a human tester. Thus, QA automation will save the time of the QA teams to focus on complex cases.

These tools run the tests and report the results to the QA team via predefined actions. While the testing part is automated, it is the QA team who will write the test scripts to conduct these tests.

Benefits of QA Automation Testing Certification

Here are the benefits of a QA automation testing certificate:

Reduces testing time and cost

It takes repetitive software testing of product features to ensure that the product is bug-free before its release. Manual testing can slow down the entire process. This will, in turn, delay the release of updates to the customers. That's where automation testing comes to the rescue. With automated testing, the test scripts can be executed on multiple hardware and software configurations several times. These test scripts can be run 24/7 to save time. Automation tests are faster when compared to human testing. Thus, by having professionals who are skilled at QA automation testing, organisations can save both money and time.

Improves product quality

Organisations can improve the overall coverage of their testing process with the aid of QA automation. The course will prepare QA teams to run hundreds and thousands of test cases on multiple platforms at the same time. This is not possible through manual testing. Also, manual testing does not enable companies to assess products deeply. On the other hand, they can explore the application in-depth through automation testing. It will allow organisations to assess the internal file structure, data tables and memory data. This will help in improving the performance and quality of the final software product.

Similarly, employees can check if every feature of the application is functioning properly through regression testing. Employees will gain insights into conducting these tests through the program.

Increased service value

Through a Corporate QA Automation Training program, employees can identify the gaps and need in the organisation's systems. This way, companies can decide which tools should be used to fulfil their purposes. When the software is of good quality, the services offered through it will also improve.

Enhanced Knowledge and Skills

QA automation testing training will expand and refine your technical knowledge. The program will cover different areas of automation testing, including new technologies, best practices, the latest industry trends, etc. These training programs will make employees versatile and more adaptable. Certification also emphasises continuous learning and development. Hence, employees will stay updated with the latest developments in the field of automation testing.

Demonstrate expertise

Corporate QA Automation Training provides a deep understanding of testing methodologies and tools used for various testing processes. Having employees with these certifications will help companies in delivering quality products constantly. Thus, they can stay ahead in the market and pose themselves as an industry leader.

Key Takeaway

Developing the test scripts for QA automation requires a deep understanding of the programming language. Employees should also have the technical knowledge and skills required to find hidden bugs. Only Corporate Quality Assurance Automation Programs can prepare employees to perform these tasks. Visit Imarticus Learning to learn more about these courses.

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