CMO Certification: Why You Need It

global chief marketing officers course

Last updated on April 2nd, 2024 at 03:10 am

Chief Marketing Officers or CMOs are C-suite executives in charge of the most important organisational tasks. The main role of the CMO is to enhance sales revenue by utilising various strategies such as managing the brand image, promoting the brand through marketing communications and conducting market research to understand customers.

chief marketing officer course

CMOs are also responsible for developing effective product marketing, managing distribution channels and ensuring quality customer service. Marketing experts who are aiming to work as Chief Marketing Officers in organisations must opt for a CMO certification course. CMO training provides hands-on experience and knowledge on the latest management challenges that modern-day CMOs are expected to address. 

Responsibilities of a Chief Marketing Officer 

The scope of the job role of a CMO is huge, and it offers lucrative pay packages. In India, the average salary of a Chief Marketing Officer is around 40 lakhs per annum. As high-paying as it is, this role comes with equally great responsibilities. Some of the tasks that a CMO performs are:

  • Product Management

Product management is a strategic business function that involves the planning, development and execution of a product or product line throughout its lifecycle. Product management involves the creation of products that cater to the unique needs of an organisation’s customers, keeping them aligned with the organisation's goals. 

Product management is critical to the success of any product-based business and requires a strong understanding of customer needs, market trends and business objectives. The CMO is involved in various aspects of product development, including conducting studies on proposed products and determining customer needs.  The Chief Marketing Officer is also deeply involved in product launching and promotion.

  • Brand Management 

Brand management is an essential task within an organisation. It involves building a bridge between a company's products and the intended audience. CMOs are tasked with maintaining a clean and positive image of the company. 

They aim to manage various aspects of their brand, such as brand positioning, brand messaging, brand identity and brand equity. Brand management is a crucial responsibility of a CMO as it helps leave a strong impression in the minds of a company’s customers, resulting in long-term relationships. 

  • Team Coordination 

Organisations can function smoothly only if there is coordination across different teams. A CMO must oversee the tasks performed by the various teams. 

A Chief Marketing Officer has to ensure that the company's marketing strategies are synchronised with the plans of other departments and establish effective communication and collaboration among all teams. 

  • Market Research

The CMO employs various methods to gather important information about the target market. It requires both marketing intelligence and research. The market research conducted by the CMO aids in recognising market requirements, competitive factors and the level of consumer interest in the company's products. The CMO analyses the results using statistical methods and presents them to the company's CEO, to whom he/she reports. 

A CMO must stay updated about its competitors through thorough market research. Staying informed about competitors helps one fix a competitive price for their products and spot gaps in their marketing strategy. 

  • Team Building 

One of the most critical tasks performed by a CMO is team building. The Chief Marketing Officers create and help build teams that perform as per a company’s needs and can quickly implement strategies effectively.

Chief Marketing Officers look after customer experiences with a unified brand vision.  Successful CMOs encourage communication and foster a positive work culture in their organisation. They provide opportunities for growth to all their team members that ultimately lead to the team's overall growth. 

  • Budget Allocation

Budget allocation is a crucial part of the functioning of all companies. Optimum budget allocation can lead to huge profits, while unmindful spending can lead to huge losses. A CMO helps determine how much money should be spent on a marketing initiative. 

The CMO considers the overall revenue generated by the company in the preceding year and allocates funds to each marketing initiative. Through an in-depth study of the company’s past marketing initiatives, a CMO determines successful initiatives that help him/her allocate more funds to campaigns that are likely to be successful.


To master all the skills needed to be a successful CMO, you must enrol in the IIM Raipur CMO course in collaboration with Imarticus. This CMO programme provides a comprehensive curriculum that establishes a solid basis for comprehending customers, creating effective marketing strategies and making informed business decisions.

After finishing the Chief Marketing Officer certification programme by Imarticus, students are granted entry to an exclusive network of accomplished IIM Raipur executive alumni. This programme will enable students to solve all the modern-day management problems and establish themselves as successful CMOs. 

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