Top 10 AI Code Generation Tools

ai code generation

Artificial intelligence (AI) has secured its place in every field, helping professionals streamline work processes, save time and cost, reduce redundancy of efforts, and so on. Different types of AI tools also help individuals produce high-quality content and applications. AI code generation has also become very popular recently, allowing individuals to be more creative, interactive, and productive. 

Code-generating AI has gained popularity among software developers in IT and software development. These tools help them in multiple phases of the development life cycle. 

Read on to learn about the top 10 AI code generation tools that will enhance the developer's creativity and reduce time and effort, ultimately improving the developer's productivity.

Top 10 AI Code Generation Tools

There are several code generation tools platforms which provide the basic codes and suggestions so that the developers can add their creativity. It reduces the groundwork that the developers have to do as AI code generation provides reliable features for software development. Consider taking a data analytics course to learn more about how to use AI to write code. 

The following coding tools one use during the software development life cycle:

GitHub Copilot

GitHub is one of the most common and reliable sources of AI coding assistance, and it supports multiple programming languages like Python, C++, Javascript, typescript, etc. Developers use GitHub because of its reliable public repositories (and various other handy aspects in code generation).

It works well for small and large datasets and generates the correct required codes. GitHub copilot also provides suggestions for improving the codes to create a unique and user-friendly software application.

Key Features

  • Best for multi-language developers.
  • Equipped with the technology of code completion.
  • Identifies bad coding practices and generates AI-based suggestions.
  • Provides multiple integrations.

OpenAI Codex

OpenAI Codex is a general platform for users that perform AI code generation using natural language prompts. This is mainly a Python code generator but also has limited scope for other languages, such as PHP, Swift, Perl etc. It generates technical content and also reviews the codes to maintain accuracy. 

Users can also add comments using this AI tool. One can use a wide range of API libraries while exploring this tool. 

Key features:

  • Best suited for budget-conscious organisations.
  • Enhances the readability and maintainability of the codes.
  • Language translation of codes is available.
  • Rectify errors, if any, and provide improvement tips.
  • Helps in data analysis.
  • Custom-made codes with specific needs are available.


With Tabnine, programmers can quickly generate high-quality content with precision and accuracy. This AI tool offers code suggestions and completion features that check the codes in real time, which makes it easier to identify errors that may occur while using AI to write code. Tabnine is supported by large language models (LLM) that can deal with massive amounts of open-source code at the same time. 

Tabnine generates error-free codes and saves the developers time they would have spent checking the quotes for mistakes.

Key features:

  • It offers custom-based code generation.
  • Provides AI models for code completion.
  • Can be integrated with multiple programming languages.
  • Performs unit tests on the existing code fragments.
  • Availability of technical documentation.

Sourcegraph Cody

AI code generation has become easier with the introduction of Sourcegraph. It allows users to write, modify, rectify, and edit codes like never before. It offers great readability and maintainability of quotes with the help of Cody. A source graph helps users find the codes in a centralised database. It also provides answers to various technical questions of the developers and generates quotes that best suit one’s IDE.

Key features:

  • It is best for teams that handle a large code base.
  • It provides error detection and rectification features.
  • It allows code exploration according to one’s area.
  • It offers the privilege of auto-completion.
  • Availability of unit tests and performance reports.

Replit AI

Developers widely use Replit AI to leverage artificial intelligence in generating quotes and deploying various applications to production environments. It is a highly compatible application that works well with several programming languages like HTML, CSS, R, Kotlin, Rust etc. One can write and edit codes on this platform by collaborating with other users. This helps to improve the quality of the application in its development stage.

Key features:

  • Its suitability lies with collaborative coding.
  • Auto-completion of courses is available.
  • It can locate and eliminate errors.
  • Responses to certain questions reflect directly on the user's IDE.
  • It offers rapid deployment.


Codiga is a customisable static code analysis platform that is compatible with various integrated development environments and frameworks, such as Visual Studio, NetBeans, GitLab, BitBucket, and so on. It is known for its compatibility and also supports integration and development lines that help the developers secure real-time assistance in coding.

This makes AI code generation very convenient as it offers machine learning capabilities that suit the developer's coding preferences. One can use Codiga in all phases of development, the lifecycle of an application. This platform also provides developers with optimisation tips. It works well with various programming languages, like SQL, JavaScript, Python, Java etc.

Key features:

  • It offers continuous integration and development.
  • It provides the feature of running code reviews.
  • Acts as a check on coding errors and vulnerabilities.
  • Allows users to check for outdated libraries and dependencies.
  • Offers customer analysis regulations for project simulation.

Sync powered by DeepCode AI

Sync is the best AI code generator when the security feature is concerned. It is powered by DeepCode AI, which uses deep learning techniques to assess the code and check it for vulnerabilities and potential risks. In this platform, the programmers receive real-time improvement, tips, and feedback, which increasingly improves the quality of the codes. 

When companies want to build software and applications that require high-security features, Sync is the best platform to source the basic codes.

Key features:

  • Suitable for building highly secure software applications.
  • Offers high scanning accuracy.
  • Provide thorough suggestions for errors.
  • Offers implementation of custom queries.

Hugging Face

Hugging Face is a platform for AI models that work on natural language. It performs numerous tasks such as code generation, classification, answering queries, gathering information, summarisation and language translation. 

It becomes convenient for developers to use these features and build AI-powered bots to check and analyse the generated codes. These chatbots can also develop advanced codes and provide suggestions for application improvement.

Key features:

  • Best suited for machine learning developers and engineers.
  • It involves natural language processing and is capable of interpreting human language.
  • It supports several frameworks. 

Amazon SageMaker

Amazon's indigenous AI code generator is the Amazon SageMaker, a comprehensive software application development tool. It makes it easier for the developers to build software in each stage of the development life cycle as it contains built-in algorithms and various AI model frameworks. 

The additional benefit offered by this particular code-generating AI is that it is compatible with all the AWS applications and services. This platform can also be linked with real-time applications which can conveniently work with machine learning frameworks. It works well with various programming languages like PyTorch, R, Python, TensorFlow, Jupyter etc. 

Key features:

  • Highly advantages for machine learning engineers and data science professionals.
  • It can train several AI models automatically.
  • It provides the developers with the benefit of experimentation while constructing the infrastructure.
  • It can identify errors and perform debugging activities.
  • Offers accuracy in predictions and presence data in a comprehensive manner.
  • Developers can create and manage several machine-learning activities.


AskCodi is powered by OpenAI GPT and is extremely helpful for developers while ascertaining coding assistance. It offers multiple features and functionalities like code, generation, language, translation, summarisation, unit testing, documentation etc. It is also compatible with various IDEs such as Studio Codi, Sublime, JetBeains and so on. 

Developers can also exchange coding dialogues supported by AI in AskCodi. It also offers the feature of language translation, which simplifies the conversation between several coding language languages. 

Key features:

  • Best suited for beginners.
  • Developers can procure code snippets.
  • Can be easily integrated with various IDEs,
  • Availability of text-to-code and code-to-text translations.


AI code generation tools have become inseparable from the software development sector. It assists in each stage of software development and lifecycle and offers tremendous advantages to developers. Such AI tools save time and costs and improve overall productivity. 

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Frequently asked questions

How do AI code generation tools function?

AI code generation tools utilise machine learning models trained on extensive amounts of code to comprehend programming languages, patterns, and best practices. When given a task or a specific code snippet, these tools can produce relevant code suggestions or complete code blocks.

Can AI code generation tools take the place of human programmers?

Even though AI code generation tools can significantly enhance coding efficiency and productivity, they cannot entirely replace human programmers. These tools are most beneficial as aids, assisting programmers with tasks such as code completion, debugging, and generating boilerplate code. Human expertise is still necessary for complex problem-solving, creative thinking, and code quality.

What are the advantages of using AI code generation tools?

AI code generation tools offer various benefits, including increased productivity, enhanced code quality, and a reduced learning curve for new programmers. By automating repetitive tasks and providing code suggestions, these tools can assist developers in working more efficiently and effectively.

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