How to customise e-Learning solutions for different audiences: A step-by-step guide


Last updated on April 18th, 2024 at 07:02 am

A study shows that 41.7% of global Fortune 500 companies are relying on e-Learning technology for employee training. Today, top companies prefer e-Learning solutions because of their flexibility and practicality. They need solutions that will cater to their remote workers as well.

Companies taking their business to a global level should also have a training course for a large audience. For instance, let’s take the case of Fortune 500 companies. They have employees located in different parts of the world. Creating online training solutions for such a large audience differs from developing them for a small one.

When it comes to learning, small audiences are more aligned in terms of preferences and schedules. However, when creating e-Learning solutions for a bigger audience, companies should consider factors like language and cultural differences.

This article discusses a few tips that can help in customising e-Learning for different audiences.

But before that, what are e-Learning solutions?

corporate training

Corporate e-Learning solutions allow employees to train from any location at their own pace. Online learners can access learning material through their mobile phones, desktops or laptops. They can study at any time of the day and embrace their speed while learning.

Corporations can facilitate distance learning opportunities for remote employees through e-Learning. This way, they can reach new skills to enhance their productivity. This type of online learning takes place with the help of a Learning Management System.

Tips to customise e-Learning solutions for large audiences

  1. Use terms that everyone can understand

Steer clear from using terminology or expressions that only participants in a particular part of the world will understand. Using sayings that are specific to one location will alienate the international audience. Make sure the gestures and expressions used in the videos do not offend any culture.

  1. Choose tools that allow easy and quick modifications

This is especially useful if certain information that doesn’t apply to other countries has to be edited out. It also helps in adding subtitles. Use an authoring tool that provides reusable templates. With some minor tweaks, the company can reach its wider audience with useful and informative content.

  1. Make sure the content is relevant

Regardless of the size of the audience, keep the course objectives to a minimum. Do some research on the skills and knowledge that the employees should acquire. Also, analyse their educational and professional background. Then, using this information, create learning material that adds real value.

  1. Incorporate various elements

Using multimedia resources like e-Learning videos and games can help in engaging a wide variety of audiences. Each individual has a different style of learning and processing information. Using different elements will enable employees to choose the learning style that works best for them. The company’s efforts in creating content that everyone can consume will show. The employees will feel included.

  1. Use simple vocabulary

Be straightforward and use simple and informative language. If there are specific complex terms that need to be used, create an e-Learning dictionary. This will help employees understand the subject better. It will expand their knowledge.

  1. Include subtitles

This will benefit people who have hearing problems or use English as their second language. This is especially useful if the learning content contains many audio elements. Seeing the text while listening to the audio will fill in any comprehension gaps that may otherwise occur. Thus, it makes the e-Learning programme more effective.

Revolutionising Learning

Companies looking to improve their e-Learning course and reach a wider audience should invest in customisation. These e-Learning course design tips will help in getting a large audience.

Visit Imarticus Learning for more tips on improving corporate e-Learning solutions.

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