Crisis Management: Strategies for Handling Unexpected Challenges

general management programme

Last updated on April 3rd, 2024 at 10:49 am

Every business whether large or small must be equipped with strategies that help to manage crises in the organisation. Most of the public relations crises are unexpected which leaves organisations with no way of solving them at hand. Hence, it is crucial for businesses to have a solid crisis management plan and strategy that will help them get over unexpected emergency situations.

The most common way in which a company tries to manage a crisis is to decline to comment on many problems that arise in front of the media. However, experts say that the right way to approach a crisis is to advocate for complete and full disclosure to the public. Enrolling on a general management program can help individuals to learn more about crisis management and how to effectively implement various crisis management strategies in an organisation. 

Read on to know about crisis management and how to effectively deal with unexpected challenges and situations.

What is Crisis Management?

Crisis management is the process of implementing certain effective steps for eliminating the possibility of negative effects that arise as a result of various business processes. Crisis management includes multiple strategies for it to be effective and it mainly deals with the areas where individuals need to work with limited resources and time.

The main objective of crisis management is to make and implement strategies to eliminate the crisis in times of emergency and unstable situations. Careful and cautious planning is an absolute necessity for a catastrophe that might not be anticipated. Crisis management allows professionals to deal with difficult situations within an organisation and take timely action.

Crisis Management Strategies

general management programme

Creating an effective crisis management system is crucial for companies. The IIM Ahmedabad Management Course can teach professionals an effective way of creating a crisis management system. The following are the ways in which a good crisis management system can be created:

Identify key risks

The first step in a crisis management system is to identify the potential risks that can create a negative impact on the company. These problems can be anything related to natural disasters, internal business problems, supply chain problems and so on. For building a good crisis management system, professionals should be in touch with stakeholders for performing risk identification and evaluating various methods of mitigating such risks.

Build a crisis management team

After identifying the potential risks, the management should start planning to solve them so that it does not create any hindrance in the future. Companies should create a crisis management team that will solely devote their efforts to apprehending and solving the potential risk that can impact the business at a later stage. 

The team should consist of different individuals from different departments that will have the knowledge and expertise of various departments. This management team must be responsible for creating and implementing various strategies within the organisation.

Establish guidelines and protocols

After building a dedicated team towards crisis management it is important to bill certain guidelines and regulations for the team to work accordingly. These protocols should include problems like what to do in case of natural calamities how to handle a data breach etc. It also includes building a plan of communication which will help the team members to communicate with other members of the organisation, the media and the public.

Run regular plan tests

Is important to see whether the plans are working to give the desired results or not. Hence, running a regular plan test is very crucial. Making concrete plans for dealing with difficult situations allows individuals to understand what to do in times of emergencies. 

Also, thinking about the result of an action and how it would impact a business will help make rational choices to solve potential problems. Regular testing can assist team members to find any flaws or gaps in the plans that need to be fixed.

Train employees

The employees act as the first line of defence in times of difficult situations. Hence, it is important for companies to train employees to deal with emergency situations and make them aware of the various crisis management strategies. Online training modules and practice drills can make employees master the art of handling unexpected emergencies.

This step will also help to highlight any gaps in the plan. Performing regular practice drills will train employees to be ready for events of an actual emergency.

Share a communication plan with the teammates

Building a strong and effective communication strategy is very important for a successful crisis management team. This will guarantee that employees are aware of what to do in emergency situations. Additionally, it will aid in avoiding confusion and turmoil when faced with unexpected circumstances. 

A good communication plan includes regulations and instructions on how to communicate and what to communicate with various employees and stakeholders of the company. 

Build resources for the crisis management team

Creating a crisis management team is not enough, the team must be provided with sufficient resources for performing its daily operations. Resources include a dedicated office or area where the team can work and also various equipment and data that are essential to carry out their tasks. It could also mean providing the team with sufficient time and IT machines to do their job.

Providing the team with what they need for mitigating the potential risks in times of emergencies will automatically build an effective crisis management system.

Evaluate solutions team

After a crisis, it is necessary to look back and evaluate the course of action taken and its results. The solution evaluation will help the team to understand whether the action they have taken was enough or not. Could they have done something else and used fewer resources than the original to do away with the problem or not? Hence, it allows the team to identify areas of improvement, if any.


Crisis management is an inalienable part of business management and has become very important in recent times. Every business requires professionals skilled in the domain of crisis management which is making this career option in demand. If you are a management professional and want to acquire the skills of crisis management, register for The 21st General Management Programme in Dubai, Indian Institute of Ahmedabad by Imarticus. This is an advanced-level management program which will help you inculcate all the new age and necessary management skills. 

Launch a successful career in management with the knowledge of crisis management and stay ahead of your contemporaries in this insanely competitive corporate world.

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