The Omnipresent Data Science & its Importance as a Career!

Data Science Courses with placement in India

Data science is a newly emerging field, which has been gaining momentum in recent years. It can be defined as data exploration and data modeling to extract insights from data to help people make decisions. Data science overcomes data analysts' many challenges, such as data scarcity, data sparsity, and model uncertainty.

Importance of Data Science in Today's Era:

The importance of data science in today's world cannot be overemphasized because it provides solutions for complex problems faced by organizations. Data Science is a recent field, which also has been the subject of study for data experts. Data Science captures data in various formats from different sources such as sensors, social media networks, or video games. In data science, data is analyzed to extract hidden patterns and generate insights.

Data science applies statistical thinking, data analysis, machine learning, data mining, and pattern recognition techniques to identify patterns in data that can inform decisions or solve problems.

Why build a career in Data Science:

Data is the fuel for all businesses.

All business strategies & decisions are data-driven due to the availability of massive data. We use lots of apps which in turn generate loads of data. There is a different kind of data-generating to varying speeds from multiple sources, increasing the data volume.

Data Science skills are high in demand with excellent salaries 

Data Science is an in-demand skill in almost every industry. The number of entry-level jobs is increasing & freshers are being hired in huge numbers. Professionals from the sector are actively looking to transition to Data Science with a bright future as employers prioritize hiring skilled and experienced candidates.

Anyone can acquire Data Science expertise.

best data science courses with placement in IndiaData Scientists can emerge from any field and build Data Science expertise regardless of their backgrounds. Students from any field of educational experience can also build a career in Data Science.

Wide range of Opportunities

Skilled professionals have a wide variety of opportunities waiting for them in Data Science.

Data Science is multidisciplinary, with disciplines like Data Mining, Databases, Machine Learning, Visualizations & Neurocomputing. Apart from the technical skills, there are broader opportunities in the many business domains.

Become Data Scientist with Data Science Courses from Imarticus Learning:

You need to have a few essential expertise to start building a career in Data Science. Good knowledge of technology & programming languages is an additional prerequisite. The most in-demand technologies for Data Science are R, Python, SQL, Hadoop, Java, Spark, Tableau, AWS, C++, SAS, Scala, Hive, Excel, and Azure.

The Data Science Prodegree offered by Imarticus Learning has been designed to develop an understanding of Data Science concepts & build robust models to generate valuable business insights. It is a knowledge-packed professional learning experience that includes a cutting-edge curriculum, real business projects and case studies, and tech-enabled education.

Once you begin the Data Science Prodegree course, Imarticus Learning’s Career Assistance Service module is at your disposal. They conduct detailed career development sessions that help you improve your job profile and ace technical interviews.

Their extensive network of private job openings through our 400+ partnerships pan-India provides students with unfettered access to career opportunities within the Data Science & Analytics domain.

This Prodegree course goes a long way towards helping you unlock lucrative career opportunities in the coveted fields of Data Science and Business Analytics.


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