Emerging Artificial Intelligence Trends to Watch Out For

benefits of AI in business

As we navigate the digital world of today, the surge in artificial intelligence (AI) has truly taken centre stage. Those AI tales we used to lose ourselves in while reading sci-fi books? They're not just stories anymore; they're shaping our everyday moments. 

With the remarkable rise of AI, companies worldwide are eagerly embracing its capabilities, pushing boundaries to innovate, differentiate themselves, and offer top-notch services to their customers. Given this rapid pace of change, which AI breakthroughs should really pique our interest?

In this article, we'll delve into some of these groundbreaking trends while also shedding light on how educational institutions like IIM Lucknow, are leading the charge in AI knowledge dissemination.

Federated Learning

The world generates about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data daily, with the figures set to escalate. Typically, an artificial intelligence program needs extensive data to learn and make decisions. However, transferring vast amounts of data to centralised servers for training poses privacy concerns and logistical challenges.

Enter Federated Learning. Instead of transmitting data to a central server, the model training happens locally on devices like your smartphone. Only the model updates, and not the data, get sent back to the server, ensuring data privacy while making AI models smarter.

AI-Powered Automation in Business Operations

AI for Business isn't just a catchphrase; it's the new norm. AI is transforming business operations, from customer service with chatbots to supply chain optimisations. According to a McKinsey report, firms that have successfully integrated AI have seen a 20% rise in earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT).

AI in Healthcare Predictions and Personalization

Artificial intelligence programs in healthcare are moving beyond diagnosis to predictive analytics. By analysing patient history and real-time data, AI can forecast patient needs, potential outbreaks and even help in personalised treatment plans. A recent study indicated that the AI market in healthcare is expected to reach USD 31.3 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 41.5% from 2020 to 2025.

Emphasis on Responsible AI

The increased reliance on AI systems in critical decisions has triggered the demand for transparency, ethics, and fairness in AI algorithms. Businesses and stakeholders now prioritise understanding how decisions are made by AI systems. This trend pushes for responsible AI, focusing on explainable AI models and ensuring the removal of biases.

AI Education and Upskilling

Recognising the significance of AI in the modern world, top-tier institutions are offering specialised courses to meet the growing demand for AI professionals. For instance, IIM Lucknow courses include an executive program in AI for Business in collaboration with Imarticus Learning. This program equips business leaders and aspirants with the requisite AI skills, ensuring they're primed to leverage AI's vast potential in the corporate domain.

Neuromorphic Computing:

As AI applications proliferate, the demand for computational power skyrockets. Traditional computing architectures sometimes struggle to efficiently handle complex AI tasks. Neuromorphic computing, inspired by the human brain's architecture, offers a potential solution. These are specialised hardware designs that mimic the neural structures of our brains, making them exceptionally well-suited for tasks related to learning and pattern recognition. Intel's Loihi chip and IBM's TrueNorth are prime examples of this trend in action. Neuromorphic chips can potentially revolutionise energy efficiency and computational speed, especially for AI tasks.

AI in Creative Domains:

While AI's impact on logical tasks is well understood, its influence is rapidly spreading to creative domains as well. From creating artwork and composing music to generating movie scripts, AI is breaking barriers. For instance, OpenAI's MuseNet can compose symphonies, and DALL·E, from the same organisation, can generate imaginative visual artworks. This shift not only challenges our perception of creativity but also paves the way for hybrid creations where human creativity collaborates with AI insights.

Edge AI:

With the proliferation of IoT devices and the need for real-time processing, there's a surge in interest in Edge AI. Instead of relaying information back to a central server, AI algorithms run directly on edge devices (like smartphones, smart cameras, or IoT devices). This trend enhances the speed of AI processes, reduces latency, and ensures data privacy. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the Edge AI software market is expected to reach $3.2 billion by 2027, growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 28.9% since 2022.


The march of AI is relentless and promises a future brimming with possibilities. These emerging trends underscore the importance of responsibly understanding and harnessing AI's potential. By staying updated and constantly upskilling, individuals and businesses can ensure they ride the wave of AI evolution rather than being overwhelmed by it.

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