Top 10 AI Tools To Strengthen Your Social Media Strategy

Technology has advanced to the point where AI, or artificial intelligence, has taken over most routine tasks. Almost every industry has demonstrated the value of AI. Social media marketing is one area where AI tools are predominantly used. Its benefits include an accelerated growth rate, increased ROI, and increased output, among several others. Specific AI tools can complete most labour-intensive tasks in minimal time that require more than one person and take a long time, greatly benefiting the business.

Learn more about the top 10 AI tools that improve social media strategy in this blog.

Top 10 AI Tools

Content strategists can redefine their social media marketing approach with these top 10 AI tools in their toolkit:

  1. Flick

Before the AI tool Flick's release, creating social media content was among the most challenging tasks. Faster content creation, effective output, and—most importantly—trending content are all benefits of Flick. The top trend right now is using hashtags and catchy captions. This AI tool is most useful for exploring this trend effectively because it generates unique hashtags that increase reach and attention and drafts attractive captions that draw viewers' attention.

  1. Heyday

Heyday's most advantageous feature distinguishing it from other platforms is its ability to create content with real-time human interaction. Real-time interaction generates various new ideas and perspectives from various people, which are then combined to create original content. The tool is advantageous because it uses both Natural Language Processing and Natural Language Generation, facilitating recommendations and boosting sales.

  1. Content Studio

A tool designed to work wonders on all platforms makes it an all-rounder with many benefits. The tool is crucial because it allows for creating motivational sayings, updated concepts, novel viewpoints on classic concepts, tweet ideas, and captions. Emojis are used in this tool to draw users in, which improves the user experience.

  1. Cortex

It provides recommendations for future posting while keeping track of the history. Based on the page's past, it recommends a specific time to post content online. It monitors rivals and provides information that lessens competition. Its dashboard summarises the entire page and displays all the pertinent data. Cortex uses this dashboard to give specific timing for posting content online.

     5.  LocaliQ

Also known as WordStream, it emphasises social ads. They frequently emphasise PPC (Pay-Per-Click) ads for social media marketing. Using LocaliQ, employees can create a strategy that combines unique ideas and perspectives. It comes with a dashboard with all the data in one place, which helps overall growth.

     6. Lately

Lately tops the list of technologies promoting social media marketing and is regarded as an important AI tool. Users can now extract precise context from a wide range of content available on social media to produce more content. The dashboard, which gathers and streamlines all the information for the user, is one of its most impressive features. The record of prior data also helps decide when a person should post to attract maximum attention.

     7. Linkfluence

Linkfluence aids in the analysis of the various social media channels or accounts that a specific person manages. The tool fully appreciates the volume of data users enter each day and uses it. The ability of this tool to comprehend trends and predict them for the benefit of the business is by far its most crucial feature.

     8. HelloWoofy

HelloWoofy allows users to automate social media marketing. It provides a variety of useful capabilities, including content management, intelligent scheduling, campaign management, and others. Its two features make it stand out among other top AI tools— its ability to generate emojis according to the content and transcribe words from pictures or graphics to social media posts.

     9. HubSpot

The software automatically generates attractive social media posts by looking at the link's metadata. Its advantages include providing enough content, further simplifying it, and making posting content online much easier.  The programme enables the account holder to link their social network accounts to the blog and instantly share newly created content.

  10. Pattern89

This artificial intelligence (AI) marketing tool aims to improve performance by offering reliable recommendations in all areas, including the cost of a particular advertisement. The software itself opens with alerts and recommendations, which facilitates work. Additionally, it assists in managing ads by filtering information from previous ads and conducting pertinent information searches.


AI is reshaping how content marketers use social media marketing to boost sales, enhance customer engagement, and increase conversion rates. AI tools aid in creating relevant informational videos, renewing old ideas with a new tone, and generating content ideas. They greatly simplify the content team’s work, allowing them to save time and energy.

For a career in social media marketing, it is essential to comprehend these tools and how they work. Imarticus Learning’s Post Graduate Programme In Digital Marketing is the perfect choice for this. This digital marketing training is excellent for professionals looking to upskill and learn industry-relevant trends from the best-in-town faculty.

Visit the website for more course-related information!

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