Product Management: Know Everything About this Promising Career Path

Product Management Lifecycle

As the business landscape is rapidly evolving, the need to bring successful products to the market is becoming crucial. Considering this, product managers are becoming increasingly significant in shaping the future of businesses. They drive innovation and identify customer needs using strategic thinking, creativity and business acumen. If you want to contribute to the development of business technologies, new consumer goods, and software platforms, then pursue a product management course. Read ahead to know how to become a product manager and learn product design.

What is Product Management?

Product management means guiding the product in every step of its life cycle, including conception, development, positioning and pricing, amongst others. Product managers play a critical role in aligning a company's product strategy with its business objectives.

Notably, product management has emerged as one of the most sought-after career paths owing to the ever-increasing reliance on technology. These days, businesses are searching for professionals who can not only offer the best perspectives on products, but also make them as successful as possible. 

What Does a Product Manager Do?

From sniffing out software bugs to briefing executive teams, the role of product managers is dynamic. Let’s learn about the roles and responsibilities of product managers:

  • Turn a theoretical idea into an actual product 
  • Manage product lifecycle 
  • Oversee every step in the process, including planning, design, release and performance assessment
  • Represent and balance the needs and goals of technology, business, and user experience sides of the organisation
  • Influence product development 
  • Create a high-level, strategic vision for new products
  • Organise teams
  • Delegate tasks 
  • Coordinate communications between teams in an organisation 
  • Fix up any low-level issues
  • Lead and motivate team members 

Besides, product managers look after multiple projects (like research and development, sales, public relations, and more) simultaneously. Successful leaders in this field can manage complex projects effectively with the help of a wide range of skills they possess.


Product Manager: Skills Required 

To become a successful product manager, one needs to have the following:

  • Technical skills/understanding
  • A customer-focused approach
  • Data-driven decision-making capabilities
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Collaboration skills

A product management certification course can help you acquire these necessary skills to become a product manager.

Becoming a Product Manager

To gain a competitive edge, it is important for product managers to get their basics right. Despite holding a bachelor’s or master’s degree, it is vital to have product management certification that covers topics, such as analytics, engineering, roadmapping, and execution. 

Also, it is important for aspiring product managers to mimic the product management process. Conducting a competitive analysis of a product already in the market could be an option. 

To be a successful professional, it is significant to acquire hard and soft (leadership, communication and collaboration) skills in product management. While applying for a product management role, highlight any experience related to leading a team, analysing data, prototyping, and problem-solving, in your resume. 

Notably, the field of product management has a well-defined career path. You start as an associate product manager. This entry-level position lets you learn about the domain and demonstrate an understanding of the product market. Next up, you can apply for the role of product manager who guides products throughout their life cycle. After gaining experience, you get promoted to the positions of senior product manager, director of product management, vice president of product management and chief product officer.


By and large, product management is a profession that combines different elements of business management, technology, and marketing. To embark on a successful career as a product manager, it is important to have industry-relevant experience. And, a comprehensive product management certification course can help you learn product design and become a product manager. The Professional Certificate in Product Management With CEC, IIT Roorkee is a 5-month live programme that allows learners to develop a product from scratch. This course not only offers career growth to aspiring product managers but also enhances their portfolios. Reach out to Imarticus Learning for more details. 

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