Organisational Behaviour for Leaders

Organisational Behaviour for Leaders

Employees are the backbone of any organisation and how effectively they are managed and led determines the growth and success of the organisation. So, company leaders must understand employee behaviour in an organisational setting and know how to control and manage it to harness employee potential into maximum productivity.

There are various leadership styles and manoeuvres that the leadership employs all of which culminate into successful business growth. 

Owing to a direct correlation between employee productivity and leadership approach, a senior leadership program, in today’s competitive and dynamic business environment, might give up-and-coming business leaders and even experienced professionals an edge.

This blog aims to explore this intersection between effective management, employee productivity and business growth in detail.

Leadership Styles You Can Count On

Aspiring business leaders, CEOs, CFOs, CMOs and even experienced professionals in the field can always use some propping up when it comes to brainstorming which leadership style is the most effective and can facilitate maximum development. 

Let’s learn some of the go-to leadership styles that business leaders refer to:

Visionary Leadership

Visionary leaders understand that as long as their employees are motivated, anything is possible. So, they aim to connect with them on a personal level, bringing out the best in everyone. They dilute organisational hierarchies, lending an ear or a hand and passing down value maxims that have the potential to catapult employee potential into greatness.

Servant Leadership

The job description of managers mainly involves delegating tasks. But leaders subscribing to servant leadership aren’t trying to dominate and assert their authority. They do not think their only task is managing but acting and doing. Servant leaders are people whom employees automatically look up to because actions speak louder than words.

Transactional Leadership

This is the conventional leadership style. You lead in exchange for monetary incentives. It is individualistic, there are established boundaries on what a manager can and cannot do. It is the leadership style usually subscribed to as it is pragmatic even though not always effective.

What do leaders do?

It is easy to conflate management with a lot of other things. Leaders don’t just delegate, they make things happen. But how? It is important to have clarity on what a leader is supposed to do. Business management programmes can aid this process. But first, let’s understand some fundamental managerial tenets.

Setting goals and dividing work

Leaders have to map out what employees are supposed to work on. They are in charge of building the roadmap that would maximise ROI. After deciding on goals, effective division of work has to be implemented as per individual specialisations.

Being a Role Model

Now these are tough shoes to fill in. Leaders are by default the role models of the organisation. They set the tone of the workplace. Employees pick up cues from them. How they nurture employees in an organisational setting determines the future of the business.

Communicating Effectively

Leaders have to be good communicators. They cannot shirk away from asserting their vision and their goals that need to be realised. Not only that, employees are dependent on constructive feedback from their leaders. It enables the leadership and the workforce to gauge where they are and facilitates their betterment which in turn leads to the overall growth of the organisation.

Fostering Employee Engagement

Leaders know that building employee harmony is key to maximising productivity and building the road to success. It establishes trust and creates a fulfilling environment within the organisation. They can help foster employee engagement through group activities, daily huddles, weekly meetings, etc.

Inclusive Decision-making

While leaders are accountable and responsible for planning the business outcomes, it can work to their advantage to democratise the decision-making process partially. Employees mustn’t feel cold-shouldered as they mechanically follow a set of instructions. That would compromise their creativity and would be detrimental to the organisation as a whole.

Manage Conflicts

Leaders need to master the art of dealing with conflicts in the workplace, among their workforce or partners. Effectively burying the hatchet has its perks, the foremost being the creation of a healthy, stress-free workplace. There is no place for resentment to lurk around the corner when the maximum yield of revenue is the end goal.

Adapt and Adopt

In today’s fast-paced, dynamic business environment, leaders have to learn to embrace change. They shouldn’t be stuck in set methods, resistant to the present ongoings. What to catch and what to release is the million-dollar dilemma and they must be experts.

Performance Evaluation

Understanding the slight nuance between criticism and constructive feedback towards employees is what makes a good leader. The former fosters negativity and the latter inspires, motivates and instils a culture of continuous improvement.

Leaders must hack these tenets to create an organisational setting appealing to their workforce. Unfortunately, this isn’t something trivial. Manifesting a fulfilling organisational setting is as rare as plucking a feather out of your hat. It takes patience, resilience, and just the right amount of experience to cultivate these within an organisation.


All of these might seem a bit unsettling but let’s assuage those fears. Aspiring CEOs, CMOs, CFOs and existing professionals don’t need to wait the storms out or just wing it. 

Imarticus Learning has partnered up with IIM Lucknow to curate the Global Senior Leadership Program to perfect any necessary skills. Not only that, Imarticus Learning’s IIM online courses also provide you with the flexibility to learn from anywhere from the best of mentors. 

On completion of this programme, you can gain mastery of wherever you fell short thus becoming a pro at the leadership game and embarking on a transformative journey to excellence.

You don’t want to miss this! Elevate your leadership journey through Imarticus Learning’s Global Senior Leadership Program.

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