Life-Hacks: Absolute No-Nos at an Office Party

innovation at Imarticus

Imagine this. You are working at an International firm and they are having another office party to celebrate the launch of a product. Universities & Institutes prepare you for the theoretical and practical aspects of the job, but what about what happens after hours?
There are a number of top Investment Banks who provide their employees with interesting benefits, like organizing a product launch, annual parties or the likes. Thereā€™s a particular code of conduct as to how one would behave at these parties and hereā€™s a few things that you must not do or say, according to a number of dignified HR professionals.
1. Never ever think it would be acceptable to expect the office party, to be a place where you would find a date. While it is fine if you are interested in someone from your office, never extend that interest to any of your coworkerā€™s relatives. Asking or even suggesting someone to introduce their son or daughter, or their cousin or anyone to you, in the romantic context is an absolute no-no.
2. One should always measure their words. This holds truer than ever when it comes to parties and social gatherings organized by your office. The reason for this being sometimes professionals can get way out of hand while complementing a certain co-worker. Ensure that you keep away from commenting on someoneā€™s dressing sense or physical attributes, even if you mean it innocently.

3. If any of your office parties involve alcohol, it's always better to take a proper stance way before you attend the party. One thing that you want to make sure is that everyone, intoxicated or not, is able to get home safely. It is important that you either call up an Uber before, or have a designated driver. Just straight up going to someone (who you are not close to) and asking, ā€œCan I Drive You Home?ā€ will be absolute grounds for inappropriateness.
4. Always, always remember that it is an office party and not an informal gala which you are attending with your friends. This means that you should behave the way you would in the office. Being the person who drinks more than is necessary is something that you need to absolutely avoid no matter what.

Always ensuring to be sophisticated and poised, help in the making of a great employee and also help keep the atmosphere as positive as can be when it comes to working spaces.


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