7 investing tips my financial analyst dad gave me

7 Investing Tips My Financial Analyst Dad Gave Me

The most prosperous investors did not become so overnight. It takes time, patience, as well as trial and error, to learn the ins and outs of the financial world and your personality as an investor.

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You can also become a financial analyst through financial analyst courses or financial Modelling online training. For now, I'll walk you through the seven investing suggestions my father, a financial analyst, offered me in this essay.

Organise Your Finances First

These days, starting an investment portfolio is simple, even if you only have a modest quantity of excess money. You may invest as little as Rs. 500 in fractional shares using investment apps like Stash and Robinhood, and commission costs are either non-existent or extremely low. However, it's crucial that you first ensure that your finances are in order before you begin investing. Before you start investing, you should set up an emergency fund, make contributions to retirement accounts like 401(K)s and IRAs, and pay off any high-interest credit cards.

Make Your Investment Philosophy Selection

It's simple to invest haphazardly in trendy stocks you hear about at the neighbourhood deli or the office water cooler, but becoming a great investor takes planning and setting objectives. What financial goals are you aiming to achieve, and how can you do it? Examples include saving for retirement, purchasing a home, and paying for your children's education expenses. Knowing what you want to achieve with your investments will help you stay focused and motivated.

Your Investments Should be Guided by Your Goals

Your time horizon and risk tolerance, as well as other components of your investing plan, will become clear once you've determined your goals. For instance, investing long-term (as opposed to day trading, which might be riskier, but rather keeping investments for a longer length of time) will probably be the best decision for you if you intend to use some of your investments to fund your retirement later in life. On the other hand, if you want to buy a property in a short period using some of your investment earnings, you will invest with a shorter timeline in mind. Additionally, most investment portfolios mix stocks and bonds.

Diversify to Reduce Risk

This is a strategy you can use to manage risk in your portfolio, speaking about asset allocation. You can choose to invest in a variety of asset classes, including stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, and futures. Some carry greater risk than others. You reduce your overall risk by diversifying your investments across various asset classes (because if one asset class falls in value, those losses will be compensated by the other assets you own). Additionally, it is conceivable and advised to diversify within each asset class. By purchasing equities in businesses that are involved in several industries, for instance, you can further diversify your portfolio if you already own stocks.

Browse Investing Apps

You can learn more about investing in a variety of methods, including reading investment blogs and investing books for beginners and speaking with acquaintances who are already investors. A different approach is to look at investment apps. Beginner investing applications have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. They have improved public access to investment by making it less scary and, frequently, more enjoyable.

Don't Worry About Market Volatility

Many times, new investors will purchase a stock and then repeatedly visit their preferred investing news website, feeling thrilled if their stock has increased with the market and heartbroken if it has decreased. But it's crucial to understand that over time, the market's daily highs and lows are irrelevant. The financial markets' overall rising tendency over years has eclipsed their daily volatility. Therefore, unless you're just a few years away from retirement, your investment portfolio should be able to withstand a few brief dips and blips.

Recognise the Influence of Compound Interest

We're confident that you won't want to forget this financial advice. Although many individuals only consider interest when it comes to debt, you may use interest to your advantage when investing as well. In actuality, utilizing the benefits of compound interest is a surefire approach to building up sizable wealth. The secret is to get an early start on investing and to make sure that all earnings and interest payments on your investments are reinvested automatically. Compound interest will speed up the growth of your investments over time. 


When it comes to investing, it may be easy to become bogged down in a zillion minor details, so it's a good idea to step back and concentrate on the overarching principles that have led even the greatest investors in history, which for me was my dad. So be sure to heed these recommendations and good luck on your investment journey.

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