UAE - The Future Of Campus to Corporate Training: Trends And Predictions

CFO's Role in Risk Management


School - the campus to be well-rounded with basic literacy and numeracy. Plus a range of subjects, sports and good social values.

College - the campus to gain specialized knowledge and skills to pursue careers of choice.

Future Of Corporate Training

The school and college campus seems ideal for children growing up into adults. A great launchpad for the campus to corporate journey. What more can one ask for? It seems there is!

Education in school and college is vital for knowledge, values, attitude and skills. But it is not enough. Want to know why? Read on.

The challenges

Change - the only constant known to the world, is now churning fast and furious. In contrast, the steady pace and standardized pieces of campus education are lagging.

It is causing a gap in skills acquired from campus to those needed by corporate. For example, 50% of UAE businesses face a skills shortage. And 90% fail to find the candidates they need!

Globally, it only seems to get worse, fast. Here's why:

  • The nature of jobs is getting volatile. The prediction is that over 42% will churn in all industries!
  • There is growing uncertainty. Technological. Economic. Climate. More!
  • The skills gap is a complex issue. Over 87% of companies are facing it globally.
  • The ambiguity of risks and business insights. From the speed and size of data overload.

VUCA has disrupted the campus to corporate Bazooka!

Is there a way out? Sure, there is. All it takes is onboarding the 'right train to upskill'. Let's catch up on some waves of campus-to-corporate trends of in-demand skills to ride on.

Trending skills to ride on

The future of campus-to-corporate training depends on its harmony with in-demand skills. Here are some predictable campus-to-corporate trends to train right.

Trending skills by categories

Studies reveal that technological, social and higher cognitive skills are trending.

No wonder training programs in data analytics, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence/machine learning are popular.

Also, the future of campus-to-corporate training must include trending skills in categories of:

  • Higher-cognitive skills such as adaptability and problem-solving, and
  • Social skills such as coping with uncertainty and collaboration.


  • These are usually not taught or measured in school or college.
  • As per a study, these include two of the top three skills likely to get employment!
  • As per research, they are among three critical skills to train students for future jobs.
  • Remember the VUCA challenge? They happen to address two of them!

Trending skills by function

A study showcased the top 20 in-demand skills for 2023. It had hard skills like software development with soft skills like communication.

It would be wise for the future of campus-to-corporate training to have them included. Training programs can weave them in to deliver flavours of business functions like:

Trending skills delivery tools and methods

The campus-to-corporate training programs must use these trending delivery tools and methods:

  • Tools such as learning management systems (LMS). Or gamification, virtual/augmented reality, video conferencing and social media.
  • Methodologies such as online learning. Or microlearning, blended learning, personalized and above all - experiential learning.

To sum it up

Many corporations are struggling to stay afloat amidst the constant disruptions. This in turn is leading to the emergence of a 'skills gap'. The future of campus-to-corporate training programs lies in bridging them. Training must upskill students to be working professionals for gainful employability.

Imarticus can be a trusted campus-to-corporate training partner to upskill. Be it for trending skills by categories or business functions or skills delivered using trending tools and methods. In partnership with institutions and corporates, Imarticus has achieved several milestones. 56000+ placements. 45000+ career transitions. 20+ courses and programs.

That makes Imarticus everyone's trending choice to upskill for the future. Visit Imarticus today!

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