UAE - Effective Communication Skills: Critical For Campus To Corporate Transition


Try speaking while breathing in. It is not possible. Nothing wrong. It is by design. In contrast, each of our two ears can listen all the time. So, are we born with a designed capacity to hear 200% and speak 50%?

Corporate Training

Does this design hold clues to an effective communication strategy? Or are we born rebels and hence do the opposite? Jokes apart, one must ponder.

Why? Because communication is among the top skills of successful people and teams.

Be it individuals on campus. Or professionals in the corporate. Or those amid campus-to-corporate transition. It's not a skill to ignore.

On the face of it seems like this skill is about listening more and speaking less. Easy right? Wrong! Neither is effective communication easier said nor done. Here's why:

Common communication challenges

Take a UAE study, for example. The importance of communication skills in corporates is the highest - over 80%. The difficulty of finding it in individuals is also the highest - over 50%!

A report shows the gap in 'importance of' and 'satisfaction with' communication skills. It ranges from about 10% to 40%.

The inability to communicate well isn't only a personal thing to sort out. Research revealed that over 70% of organizations got hurt due to poor communication. Their losses ran into tens of billions of dollars!

Also, the global workforce is getting diverse and inclusive. Effective communication skills strategy must:

  • Bridge cultural and language barriers
  • Increase employee engagement

Further, research suggests that non-verbal communication in forms like body language is vital. Facial expressions, eye contact and voice tones are very effective communication skills.

Also, writing is another critical corporate communication skill to hone.

Thus, the need to upskill effective communications is critical for campus-to-corporate transition. Seems overwhelming? It is, but let's look at solutions that fulfil campus-to-corporate training objectives.

Conquering effective communication skills

Any strategy to hone communication skills must strengthen these three pillars:

1. Build domain knowledge

Empty vessels only make noise. It is irritating and unwelcome anywhere, especially in the corporate world. The solution is to fill them with domain knowledge of value to corporates.

For example, upskill those active on social media in the digital marketing domain. Domain knowledge adds rich content, qualitative depth and self-confidence. The noise gets suppressed while the voice finds expression. It could be in verbal or written forms of communication. One can upskill domain knowledge from trustworthy training programs.

2. Develop soft skills

HR heads can arrange campus to corporate soft skills training programs. For example, to develop interpersonal and communication skills. Such as effective listening, body language, facial expressions and emotional intelligence.

3. Engage in interactive experiences

One must find and create opportunities to engage. Experience real-world interactions. Here's how:

  • Connect with past students to tune resumes, take mock interviews, or grow contacts
  • Connect with industry mentors to discover internships, projects to work or career guidance
  • Take part in hackathons, competitions and events for real-world interactions
  • Step out to experience different cultures and diversities
  • Exchange views and feedback with peers and professionals

In conclusion

Effective communication is a unique skill. It's in demand in all industry domains, job functions, geographies and cultures. It is critical for a successful campus-to-corporate transition.

The pillars of effective communication are domain knowledge, soft skills and practical experiences. The Imarticus training programs, built on these pillars, meet campus-to-corporate training objectives.

There are over 10,00,000 learners who have gained by training with Imarticus. For communication skills training, Imarticus is a reliable training to take. Connect with us now.

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