Analytics Transforming healthcare with operations research in Supply Chain management The Supply Chain Management course is a graduate-level program that explores the systems and processes needed for managing product flow…ImarticusNovember 22, 2021
Analytics What is the job description of a logistics manager? The logistics manager is an integral part of the supply chain management system. The supply chain management career is an…ImarticusNovember 1, 2021
Analytics Why is IIT- Roorkee, Supply Chain Management Program the Best? The supply chain encompasses all of the actions, people, organizations, information, and resources required to transport a product from conception…ImarticusOctober 25, 2021
Analytics How to Create Efficient Supply Chain Management Systems How to Create Efficient Supply Chain Management Systems E-commerce platforms are experiencing immense growth and this has led to the…ImarticusOctober 15, 2021
Analytics What is the role of a supply chain analyst in managing uncertainties in a supply chain? A supply chain involves a network that connects a firm and its suppliers in order to manufacture and deliver a…ImarticusOctober 6, 2021
Technology What industries will hire me with a professional certification in supply chain management? Supply chain management (SCM) is the process of optimizing the development and flow of a product, from raw material procurement…ImarticusSeptember 21, 2021