Why a short professional program is better than an MBA?

5 key skills you learn in a senior general management program

By Reshma Krishnan
Over 50 percent of the students that come to Imarticus Learning and attend our FMVC, CIBOP, CIBIT programs are MBA students. During their counseling sessions as well as their interview prep and mock interviews, we always ask them what they learnt in their MBA and what made them attend Imarticus.

The answers are always the same – I learnt nothing in my MBA. Why is that? MBA’s are extremely popular, so why are they so futile? It’s not the MBA that is futile. The right MBA done at the right time and from the right school is useful, but the majority of MBA’s are not well designed. Here are our top reasons for why short professional programs are better than an MBA.

What is an MBA? An MBA is a multi disciplinary course of study that helps you understand the various facets of running a business, ergo the name, a master of business administration. An MBA assumes that you have come far enough in your career to put the theories you learn during the course– marketing, finance, and operations, into some sort of context. A context that cannot be built without some understanding of how a business functions.

MBA’s are useful but only to those who come in with 5-6 years of relevant work experience. Having already worked on a shop floor of a store or coded for a company, they do an MBA to understand the other facets, which they can then apply to their experience.

This is what generally happens abroad. In India however, the stress on academics and degrees mean that most people do an MBA right after college without any experience leading to a two-year course of study that adds no value, not even to the resume.

But then, you ask, how do we stand out against others during a job hunt? You stand out by doing a course that is tailor-made where the curriculum has been designed in conjunction with specialists and endorsed by companies. A short course does not expect you to have work experience and it’s sole purpose is to help you find a job, and it does that by training you specifically for a role which makes you more employable as you are able to add value to a company from day one.

1. Short professional programs are job-specific – all our programs have been designed by industry experts and tailor made to job requirements. For instance the CIBOP program is designed for Investment Banking Operations roles. For three months, you will be taught by domain specialists, who have worked in these roles giving you real life examples.

2. Professional programs are shorter – Because you spend only three months, you start working sooner and spend less time in the classroom and more time gaining valuable work experience that you can then use to apply to a more prestigious and useful MBA program

3. Short programs focus on getting you a job- our short programs are tailored to a job, which attracts companies because they know our candidates are job-ready.

Imarticus Learning offers the internationally-accredited CIBOP program, designed for careers in Investment Banking. This program provides you an in-depth understanding of complex financial products and their Trade Lifecycles, along with Operational Risk and Regulations.

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