Lean Change management - Innovative practices

online MBA courses in India

Last updated on October 12th, 2022 at 07:40 am

“The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change -”― Heraclitus

Take a look the growth of any industry within the last 200 years and the one thing that will definitely stand out to you is the amount of change they would’ve gone through, whether technologically or in relation to their work culture. The above quote sums up that observation well.

However, change, if not done right, can also be quite destructive to any organization. That is why it’s important to plan out all the changes you wish to have before implementing them.

What is Lean Change Management?
The Lean Change Management method basically comprises a cycle of changes in the organization. These changes are labelled as taking place through three stages, namely, options, experiments, and insights.
Any business transformation must take place in tiny, incremental steps. As such, it is important to involve the person who would be directly affected by any changes.

This is because it is easier to understand how a person will react if the change that they are subjected to happens in incremental steps. This will also help your employees adjust to the changes in a gradual manner.
Gather data that allow you to understand what is going on in your organisation and to identify any roadblocks on the way to change. Assemble bits of knowledge utilizing practices or tools that allow you get a handle on a general situation.


This is a common formal approach to collecting insights. It describes a few requirements that are compulsory within an organisation that wants to change:

  1. Awareness: A need for change is recognized by everyone involved. Lacking this will result in half-hearted efforts from the employees.
  2. Desire: Everyone involved wants the change to happen.
  3. Knowledge: Everyone involved knows how to make the change possible.
  4. Ability: They have the capability to facilitate the required changes.
  5. Reinforcement: They will continue to stick with the changes over the long run.

ADKAR is a prominent evaluation instrument that accompanies a survey. You convey the survey, gather it and break down the responses. To successfully have a positive shift in your organisation, you have to meet every one of the five conditions. When you send out any survey to your employees, they will begin to wonder, "What is going on?” That's the point at which you know you've left on the change journey.

Think about your available choices for presenting change. Guess about how every choice could profit your organisation. Development and training will definitely help your firm with this procedure, but don’t hesitate to think about different sources too, for example, online journals, bulletins, instructing and tutoring.
Utilize three parameters to assess your determinations: cost, value and level of disruption.

Plot your decisions on a chart demonstrating cost on the horizontal axis and value on the vertical axis. Use a red sticker to highlight the practices you think would be most problematic to your organisation. For the present, avoid staggering expenses, low-value and very troublesome tracks. You can simply take a look at them again later along the line.

All alternatives cost something, regardless of whether it's the time you spend taking a shot at change, dive inefficiency, or the new capacities you and your workers require.

Consider what factors impact your proposed change. You will know a few of the people involved and they may be anything but difficult to convince. Others will be less available to you and your group, so you should win them over through their contacts.

Test your best options with trials that will enforce a change. In a perfect world, direct these tests each one by one to find out what exactly works for you and your organisation.

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